
On the link between cholesterol and cancer incidence

High cholesterol levels associated with lower cancer risk

by copyright © 2017 Healing Cancer Naturally

While previous studies into the question had yielded somewhat conflicting data, new research seems to point to cholesterol, the much vilified though essential lipid molecule of the human body[1], definitely boasting cancer-preventative and protective properties.

A recent (2013) large-scale study involving over half a million Europeans[2] (who were followed for an average of some twelve years) demonstrated some astounding associations between "high cholesterol" and reduced cancer risk.

While with some types of cancer no significant relationship could be established either way, high total serum cholesterol[3] levels were significantly associated with lower cancer risk in females as well as several specific malignancies in both sexes (the one exception regarding the positive role of high cholesterol as a "cancer-preventative" was colon cancer in males).

Women with the highest cholesterol levels showed an overall reduction in all types of cancer of 14%. Neoplasms involving the gallbladder actually showed a whopping 77% reduction, melanoma, leukemia and lymphoma were lowered by 39%, and the incidence of breast cancer by 30%.

Similarly, men with the highest cholesterol levels showed an amazing 86% reduction in liver cancer as well as in cancer of the intrahepatic bile ducts, a 48% lower incidence of pancreatic cancer, 33% less skin cancer (melanoma excepted) and a 32% reduction in lymphoma and leukemia.

French researchers recently found what appears to be an important pointer to the reason why high cholesterol may exert a cancer-protective effect. They identified a hitherto unknown metabolite of cholesterol (i.e. a molecule derived from cholesterol) they named Dendrogenin A (DDA).

The scientists showed DDA to have tumour-suppressing effects on both cell lines and tumors (breast cancer and melanoma) implanted in mice[4], triggering the redifferentiation of malignant cells. While Dendrogenin A can be found in normal tissue, it is absent or its levels are reduced in cancer tumors. Among other properties found, DDA astoundingly was seen to restore hearing in a preclinical model of deafness.[5]

Another cholesterol virtue discovered...

The study Hypocholesterolemia is an independent risk factor for depression disorder and suicide attempt done on a total of 467 adults found a significant association between lower cholesterol levels and major depressive disorders as well as attempts at taking one's own life.

Lack of cholesterol, particularly bad cholesterol — was four times more frequent in those with the worst depression. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that inter alia influences feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, requires cholesterol for its receptors to function. A lack of cholesterol decreases serotonin activity and constitutes a risk factor for depression.

This study adds to other research results which had already highlighted a clear increase in the risk of accidents and traumatic deaths in individuals with low cholesterol (see e.g. Assessing the observed relationship between low cholesterol and violence-related mortality. Implications for suicide risk).

Cholesterol, mercury, and cancer — a link?

According to this article, elevated cholesterol levels can be due to carrying mercury "silver" fillings in one's mouth, with cholesterol protecting the body against mercury toxicity symptoms developing.

Since mercury may promote cancer[6], this link may furnish another reason why higher cholesterol levels seem to be cancer-protective.

Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

discover what this German expert thinks.


1 See simplified background on the cholesterol issue in the Budwig FAQ Question 75 re cholesterol level.

2 Total serum cholesterol and cancer incidence in the Metabolic syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can), published in PLoS One in 2013. The study can be read in its entirety at .

3 Total serum (or blood) cholesterol levels are calculated by adding HDL + LDL + 20 % of the patient's triglyceride level.

4 Healing Cancer Naturally does not support animal experimentation.

5 See the studies Dendrogenin A: A Mammalian Metabolite of Cholesterol with Tumor Suppressor and Neurostimulating Properties published in Current Medicinal Chemistry in 2015 and When cholesterol meets histamine, it gives rise to dendrogenin A: a tumour suppressor metabolite printed in Biochemical Society Transactions in 2016.

6 See the study Possible Mechanisms of Mercury Toxicity and Cancer Promotion: Involvement of Gap Junction Intercellular Communications and Inflammatory Cytokines and On the link between toxic dentistry (root canals, mercury amalgam, nickel etc.) and cancer.

With thanks to the French newsletter "Néo-nutrition : La lettre de la nutrithérapie" published by

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