
Budwig diet and protocol: tips and frequently asked questions

Budwig Diet FAQ: expert answers to 138 frequently asked questions

Question 23: Dr. Budwig reports an over 90% cure rate. Are there current percentage numbers of how many people cured their cancer after starting flaxoil/cottage cheese. And for how long did they take it?

I am part of a big group of people using the Budwig protocol to cure not only cancer but a host of other diseases (see Private initiative reports remissions of cancer, Aids and other ailments thanks to Budwig diet & protocol). Out of 32 people so far that I am in contact with, there are 4 who are not thriving on the protocol.
We should ask the question 'Why?'.

Three of the four of these patients (cancer patients) are still on chemo therapy while the fourth one is taking all kinds of medications for his heart condition. I have come to the realization that this is probably the reason WHY the Budwig protocol is not working for them as it should. I think that the medication chemicals can interfere with the Budwig protocol.

There is one lady in our group (breast cancer) who refused all conventional treatments and she is only doing the Budwig protocol — the lumps in her breast are getting smaller every day and she is feeling very well.

Patrick Holford’s The Optimum Nutrition Bible — not the best book on nutrition I have read so far — has a little diagram where he explains the drug dilemma — once in that cycle it is very difficult to get out of it because the drugs treat the symptom but not the cause — in fact they usually aggravate the cause by irritating the gut and making the intestinal wall more leaky. The result is ever-increasing overload on body systems, attracting more serious diseases and infections.
Compare On Drugs.

Both my dad and my sister were diagnosed with cancer a few years ago — We didn't know about the Budwig protocol then and only after starting their chemotherapy did I discover the Budwig protocol.

After learning about the protocol they both started using the protocol and never looked back. The weekend my sister started using the protocol she was so ill, has lost all her beautiful hair by then and just stared at the ceiling.

Within two weeks on the protocol she went on a business trip — simply amazing. They are both in remission for over a year now and my sister refused radiation therapy after she finished her chemo therapy. She is looking healthier and prettier than before she got cancer. ... My dad is also feeling and looking very well. I have many more interesting stories to tell about diabetes and arthritis and believe me, all very positive.

As for your question 'How long did they take it?'... Most of the people in my group will never stop taking it including myself (I only take two tablespoons of oil and flaxseeds as a preventative)- we love the way it makes us feel and it would be total stupidity to stop using it.

For most people it is not easy to take so much oil and cottage cheese in the beginning (six tablespoons of oil and 12 tablespoons of cottage cheese is quite a lot, but for most of the people, it was only necessary to keep this up for 10 to 12 weeks — by then, most of them go into remission. (credits: AC)

Question 24: However I prepare it, I tend to find the taste of the mix slightly oily and unappetising. What can I do?

Try blending in a quarter of a lemon — the whole lot except the pips. This takes away any trace of oiliness. Also lemon or orange oil, as opposed to juice, might be equally effective. (credits: Mark)

Question 25: What are the things (supplements, medication, etc.) that we know of definitively that are incompatible with the Budwig diet?

According to Dr. Budwig, the medications that are incompatible with the Budwig Diet are growth-inhibiting drugs. I am sure there are others too... But looking at it from another angle, she said not to eat chemicals. Most drugs are chemicals.

In supplements, high doses of antioxidants are suspect. That does not necessarily or automatically include all supplements that naturally have an antioxidant side to them like for example CoQ10. They would have to be tested for compatibility but that is not going to happen anytime soon because flax oil/cottage cheese itself has not even been tested. One thing we do know, and that is that Dr. Budwig did not include any vitamins or other supplements in her diet — except one: nutritional yeast flakes.

* For a comprehensive answer, see the detailed Dr. Johanna Budwig on what to avoid when following the Budwig diet & protocol (items observed to interfere with its healing effects).

Question 26: Does the Budwig protocol require additions such as supplements and vitamins? What about using different therapies with it, such as Essiac, is this something that is beneficial to the Budwig diet? Or does it hurt the diet?

Answer 1:
To read In Dr. Budwig's own words which complementary treatment modalities she recommended, endorsed or allowed, see On complementary therapies & compatible treatment modalities.

Answer 2:
Dr. Budwig's protocol is really simple. Its basic structure is [generally speaking] not to be deviated from since she used it for decades successfully [albeit with individual adjustments tailored to the needs of the patient, see Interview]. Yes, yogurt has been substituted but only because the cottage cheese in the U.S. is absolutely the worst. (I make a cottage cheese type cheese from the yogurt that I make for the fermentation as is in quark.)

I keep reading lately how people keep adding supplements, different cancer protocols and searching for other answers.

I was told by a man who is working with another [cancer cure] protocol that he heard that the reason people don't survive using alternatives is because they don't stay with their specific program for at least a year. He looked and felt wonderful since it was over a year and he was cancer free and excited.

When I heard that, I decided this is the program for me. I stopped using supplements of any kind and decided this is it. I trust this protocol. Anyone new reading about Dr. Budwig here (Budwig diet discussion group) will think that apricot kernels, non dairy supplements, low fat chocolate milk, coconut oil by itself, various vitamins and more are part of it. They aren't, but Eldi Oils are.

My concern is for the new person who is desperate to find a successful protocol that he or she would want to learn more about. They need to be able to come to this group and ask questions. The answers to those questions should be the same coming from everyone on the list.

We all have to do what we feel is right. I cannot tell anyone what is right for them or they for me. I can tell people [as far as I am aware of this subject] what Dr. Budwig found to be successful and they can decide for themselves what to do after reading the testimonials and hopefully the three books available in English. Good health to all! (credits: Rhoda Freed)
Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: Rhoda has since decided to use a somewhat modified approach involving a food concentrate with high mineral content. Personally I feel that including quality seaweed as a regular item in one’s diet is the most natural and least expensive choice, while possibly also the most effective one.

Answer 3:
Vitamin pills as part of a natural way to restore health are suspect.

Vitamins should come from fresh whole organic foods (and freshly made juices) which provide proper balance of nutrients for synergism. Not only that... these foods come loaded with electrons and photons from the sun — and with as yet unidentified factors. Vitamin pills are fragmentized nutrients and they are in most cases synthetic. Dr. Budwig used no vitamin pills.

Not to forget, vitamin pills do give you something extra: Fillers and other additives. The list is very long. Some of them are harmful — maybe many of them. One of them is Talc which is akin to asbestos.

Isolating vitamins is not the answer — producing them in a synthetic form even less so. Dr. Budwig did not use any of them in her protocol. She used vitamins in food and juices... the 100% natural approach. The following paragraph explains her position on isolated substances.

In her book "Fotoelemente des Lebens" (Photo Elements of Life) she says (loosely translated) that molecular biology takes the view that one can get a handle on matters by isolating building blocks of the living organism and dealing with the "mechanical properties" of the substances that have been isolated from the metabolic processes.

"This is not the way in which medicine will get to the bottom of the current problems which are based on an aberration in metabolism and science. Also in the realm of ‘molecular biology of malignant growth’, one newly discovered substance after the other is added. By adding to metabolite products, isolated components and to a thousand other substances which could cause cancer, we will not solve these problems."

Answer 4: "Follow the directions"
While results are expected from the Budwig Protocol, too many people see no problem with modifying it as though it were a menu at a restaurant where you can pick and choose. It is in fact carefully and scientifically designed were all parts are important components of this nutritional approach to better health. You ignore or change a part of it and you reduce the effectiveness.

Sure flaxseed oil/cottage cheese and ground flaxseeds play the central role, and they can by themselves be quite effective, but the whole protocol including Eldi Oil and the rules of what to take and to avoid is what is needed for maximum effectiveness — and who does not want that?

[While Dr. Budwig specifies few additions to her protocol but is in favour of therapeutic applications that are nature-inspired or holistic such as water treatments, homeopathy and psychotherapy, while leaving the final decision up to the individual, see Interview and Which complementary treatment modalities did Dr. Budwig recommend, endorse or allow?], she is also against taking flaxoil/cottage cheese and forgetting the rest of the protocol [see Is the Budwig diet just flaxseed oil and cottage cheese?].

Unfortunately most people do just that and therefore don't get the same benefit that they otherwise could. Dr. Budwig respects the foe enough to engage all parts in her protocol, not only flaxoil/cottage cheese — and definitely not only flax oil. I makes sense to me that if you follow a successful protocol, you should not try to change it. Don't make up your own as you go along... unless you think you understand it better than Dr. Budwig.
Compare I have followed the Budwig protocol for a long time but don’t see a positive effect.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally:
It is recommended to both cancer patients and carers to print out and post the basic instructions in your kitchen.

Answer 5:
There has been a lot of talk about different protocols and supplements taken with the Budwig method. Most people (except for Dr. Budwig's former patients) do that. Unfortunately we don't know which ones help and which ones detract from her protocol.

Dr. Budwig did not limit foods to those she mentioned by name. Her diet is 100% natural. If the food, tea, herb or method you look at fits that criterion, it likely is ok to use and could help (or at least not detract)*. Dr. Johanna Budwig was in favor of adding other foods or treatments to the protocol (implying "the more the better", see Budwig Complementary Treatments) so long as they were natural. For example hydrotherapy or brushing and massaging the body.

Why is it that most of us accept that processed foods are bad for us, while at the same time we are so willing to accept that processed supplements are good for us? Dr. Budwig did not accept it. The centenarians in the different cultures never took vitamin pills.
Compare Can Pau d'arco and Essiac be used with the Budwig Protocol?, Supplements & Herbs and Thoughts on supplemental vitamins & minerals.
* but compare Can I use olive oil with the Budwig diet?.

Answer 6:
See Is there a possible need for the use of supplemental enzymes?.

Question 27: Tamoxifen has been suggested to me as the next treatment for ovarian cancer. Can you assist me in reaching a decision?

My sister was prescribed Tamoxifen by the oncologist. He also said that because she had stage IV breast cancer (she had a huge lump) she needs to go for radiation treatments. She didn't do either. That was 22 months ago. She is doing the Budwig protocol very strictly including the ground flaxseeds and she also takes I3C (Indole-3-carbino, a compound naturally found in broccoli) . Her cancer count is still normal and she feels wonderful. She didn't like the risks associated with taking Tamoxifen. We don't know what lies ahead, but so far, everything is fine.

We have another lady in our group of flaxoil users — She was diagnosed with breast cancer October last year, with two big lumps in her breast as well as another smaller one. She didn't have any surgery, chemo or radiation. She is also doing the Budwig protocol and is doing fine. 2 lumps in her breast disappeared, but the third big lump has not totally disappeared like the other two, although there is no more pain. She unfortunately also battled with thyroid problems, and that might be the reason why it took so long to get rid of the lumps, but it is all under control now.

I cannot help you with your decision but looking at these two women I know very well, I cannot see that Tamoxifen might have been a better choice than I3C and flaxseeds. Only time will tell. (credits: AC)

Read breast cancer testimonials.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally:
According to various sources, National Cancer Institute research results established that a 10% level of flax in the diet of rats could mimic the results of Tamoxifen — the mammary cancer drug — but without side effects. Caveat: animal experimentation results often do not apply to humans (with the dietary sector, however, possibly showing a better correlation), see Cancer Research & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?.

Question 28 re breast cancer: Does the benefit of the cottage cheese with flax oil outweigh the possibility of growth hormones in non-organic milk to take hold?

Answer 1:
I truly feel that you should not worry about the growth hormone problem. HER2Nu (estrogen positive) breast cancer patients respond exactly the same to the protocol as non-HER2 patients. My sister had HER2Nu positive breast cancer along with 2 other people in our group.

Their response to the flaxoil/cottage cheese protocol was exactly the same as the non-HER2 patients. One thing I need to add is that they are using I3C or DIM (indole 3 carbonol) as well. There are various studies supporting the fact that I3C or DIM is beneficial if you have a hormone-sensitive cancer. (credits: AC)

Answer 2:
Now does the above mean that it's okay to use the non-organic grocery store cottage cheese such as for instance when you are having a difficult time finding a hormone-free cottage cheese that tastes good?

No for several rasons. 1) Artificial hormones are not recommended by Johanna Budwig. 2) The general point in health-promoting nutrition is to always go for the highest quality available and only use non-organic in "emergencies", so to speak. 3) Conventional milk, in addition to growth hormones, can also contain antibiotics and other harmful residues. Simultaneously it is lower in healthful omega-3 fatty acids and other wholesome components.

So always go for organic (for many good reasons) if at all possible. Treat your body (and the animals & environment) well and they will thank you :-)

Also, have you looked into online ordering? Nancy's has often been recommended. And there is always the easy option of making your own yoghurt quark. (credits: Healing Cancer Naturally)

Read breast cancer testimonials.

Question 29: Estrogen receptive tumors: I am unable to take flaxseed oil because it is estrogen-like. My tumors are very highly estrogen-receptive. How much Fish Oil could I take to replace the flax oil?

For hormone-sensitive cancers, the estrogen-likeness of flax is a "good" thing. It loosely "fills" the estrogen receptor in the tumor so that "real" estrogen can not and in that sense it is an estrogen blocker. Read: mercola.com/2004/feb/21/soy_flax.htm . (credits: P.C.)

Question 30: I have followed the Budwig protocol for a long time but don’t see a noticeable positive effect concerning the cancer I want to heal. Why is this?

Answer 1:
There are always reasons for the Budwig Protocol seemingly not working. What I have observed from my distant vantage point is, that when there are disappointing results, the Budwig Protocol has not been followed properly.

That could mean a whole lot of things, with taking chemicals, drugs, medications and chemo being pretty much at the top of the list. But it can also mean IPT, radiation from various sources, preservatives, supplements that interfere, foods that should be avoided, stress and not eating the right foods (compare the detailed Dr. Johanna Budwig on what to avoid when following the Budwig diet & protocol). The following questions are important:

How much flaxoil/cottage cheese do you eat, what is the mixture, do you mix it thoroughly, do you take medications, chemo, IPT, radiation?

Compare Question 48: I have been progressing towards being cancer-free, but my body has not yet completed the healing, Question 46: Is there a possible need for the use of supplemental enzymes? and Question 80: Tumor enlargement (tumor growth) after adopting the Budwig diet.

Answer 2:
Cancer carer AC offers the following insights which touch upon possible reasons for the above:

1 (possible need for the use of supplemental enzymes:) "To my mind, this is the golden rule and the reason deciding between success with the Budwig protocol and failure. It is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT part of the protocol — eating as raw as possible and making absolutely sure that enzymes are in abundance. Pineapple and papaya are two excellent foods for this purpose. I also believe probiotics as found in live kefir and probiotic yoghurt to be important."

2 (Re alleviating bone pain & insufficient LNA conversion, another possible reason for a lack of positive response to the Budwig protocol:) "Some people have a problem converting plant sources of omega-3s that contain the shorter-chain known as LNA, ... the body can only convert five to 10 percent of it to the long-chain omega-3s (EPA and DHA) that exert beneficial inhibitory effects on inflammation.

This may also be the reason why the Budwig protocol might not work as well for some people as others.......I honestly wouldn't know, but from experience we have learned that people who do not benefit from the Budwig protocol alone, adding omega-3s in the form of fish oil might be what they need to ease their pain."

(Dr. Budwig has people add nutritional yeast to the diet since it contains good amounts of the vitamin B complex as well as other nutrients that are required for better conversion of LNA to long chain omega-3 fatty acids.)

So in both of the above, the failure to show a positive response would be due to a lack of proper digestion and conversion of the nutrients supplied.

This is actually an observation made by several natural health researchers, such as Dr. F.X. Mayr (1875–1965) who studied and mapped in great detail the intimate relationship between intestinal health and overall health and beauty (see Dr. F.X. Mayr’s research into the link between nutrition, dietary habits, intestinal health and overall health & beauty): We do not live (our bodies are not built) on what we ingest but only on what we digest and absorb. Hence the interest to optimise digestion and digestive tract. (credits: Healing Cancer Naturally)

Answer 3:
Always it should be obvious, a cancer patient should consume at least 6 tablespoons of flaxseed oil (mixed with twice as much quark) divided into a morning portion and a noon portion. As one person commented, "I had cancer in four spots and once I ramped up the flaxseed oil to 6 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, cancer is melting away in me." (credits: Healing Cancer Naturally)

Also compare Question 57: Is substituting fish oil for flax oil as good or better than using flax oil?, Developing massive swelling & water retention upon adoption of the Budwig protocol & its possible causes such as liver impairment, allergies, insufficient LNA conversion etc.: a case of cancer unresponsive to the classic Budwig oil-protein diet with suggested remedies and Budwig protocol & life energies blockages: on the question why the cancer always/sometimes will come back with a vengeance when the Budwig diet is abandoned (part 1).

Question 31: How do I keep flax oil fresh?

Flaxseed oil is fragile and needs to be handled properly. [Remember that the first thing to ensure is buying oil that was pressed, stored and shipped under the best possible conditions (particularly: protected from oxygen and light), see Which flaxseed oil offers the best quality based on the way it is manufactured?].

An unopened and frozen bottle of flaxoil should last for a year or so. After it is opened and kept frozen it still should last for several months. [But compare How long, if at all, can flaxseed oil be stored / preserved in the freezer?.] If it is only kept in the refrigerator, the shelf life before rancidity would be less than that... perhaps about half and possibly more than half. I have not tried it as I always keep mine in the freezer.

The biggest problem in causing quick rancidity is light. Therefore it is important to always buy flaxseed oil in a metal can or in an opaque plastic bottle — never in a clear or tinted bottle. Care should also be taken not to subject flax oil to more light than necessary when pouring it, e.g. try not to pour it in sunlight or under direct fluorescent or incandescent light.

Here is a trick that I use after pouring some of the flaxseed oil for use. Before replacing the lid, I squeeze the bottle until the flaxseed oil comes right to the top so as to expel all air — and then I close the lid. It works well with the bottles used by Spectrum as they easily lock airtight.

For those that use flaxseed oil on a daily basis, there is no need to buy only small bottles of flaxseed oil for fear that it turns rancid before it is used up if the above safeguards are taken into account. I go for the best price — that is in consideration of the quality, organic, cold pressed, pressing and expiry dates and purity. What I mean by purity is that the addition of lignans, vitamin E*, garlic and herbal ingredients does not appeal to me.

(If rancid, use it for painting and preserving wood or throw it, don't eat it. Apparently, rancid flaxseed oil contains carcinogens. And if you buy flax oil in plastic bottles, make sure the bottle is BPA-free.)

Also compare How do I tell when flaxseed oil is rancid (or starts to go rancid)? and How should I store flax oil?.

* In fact, added vitamin E can nullify the oxygenating effect of the flaxoil/cottage cheese (quark) mix, see antioxidants.

Question 32: Should we sometimes accelerate the healing through surgery, for the body to better cope with the challenge? (I hasten to add that anesthetics do impede the immune system. It's not uncommon for the anaesthetic to remain in the body for 12 months.)

While Dr. Budwig totally ruled out chemo and radiation and was opposed to most of the surgery done, she did not rule out surgery. However, I have not read of one instance where she used it, or rather had it performed because she was not a surgeon. On the contrary, she felt that it was done unnecessarily too often.

Read the case in the [Budwig sample testimonials under Colon Cancer] where a woman from Switzerland was admitted to the clinic in Göttingen, Germany, with what looked to be soon a total blockage of the colon. The doctors wanted to operate on her right away which was on Christmas Eve. If you know how important Christmas Eve is to Germans you can understand the urgency of it.

Dr. Budwig convinced the doctors to let her do it her way, and because of the reputation she had already at that time, they let her do it her way. That woman improved without surgery and had no detectable tumors anymore after about 7 weeks. So, I am not very convinced about the accelerated healing part of surgery.
For another very impressive healing testimonial after surgery, chemo and radiation had brought no improvement, read the detailed account of Terminal colon cancer healed thanks to determination and complete Budwig Protocol: healthy today.

Question 33: How long will mixtures last if made in advance: a. flaxoil/cottage cheese (quark) mix b. Budwig mayonnaise c. oleolux.

Dr. Budwig does not recommend keeping the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese mixture, or any prepared food for that matter, till the next day or the next meal. Everything is to be eaten as fresh as possible. One exception is Oleolux which can be stored for a number of days because the coconut oil protects the flaxseed oil with which it is combined.

I know with the Budwig breakfast muesli it is easy because you mix 3 tblsp flaxseed oil with 6 tbslp cottage cheese (quark) plus the other ingredients, eat it and that is the end of it. Whereas with "mayonnaise" etc. you would like to mix some of it for the next meal(s) as well.

Keep in mind that any food that you make without preservatives begins declining shortly after you prepare it without you noticing it — until at some point it tastes "off" or rancid or is moldy.
Compare Dr. Johanna Budwig: The Practical Implementation of My Oil-Protein Diet.

Question 34: What's so important about the cottage cheese? Where does Dr. Budwig explain why and how the sulphurated amino acids from cottage cheese change the dynamic of flaxseed (omega-3) and provide the cancer-fighting component?

See for instance this quote from 1952 as given in Dr. Budwig's 1977 book "Der Tod des Tumors — Band II" (The Death of the Tumor — Vol.II) page 150: "The substances that are contained in the SH-group have often been used with varied success. This important sulfhydryl group is found in Detoxin, in Insulin, in Pancreatic Secretions and especially in Methionine which is converted to Cysteine in the body. The often reported good success with essential fatty acids and the significance of the often discussed 'lipotropic effects' of these essential amino acids brought me to the realization that the full potential of these substances can only be reached when they are combined so that they can interact."
Compare What exactly is the purpose of the cottage cheese in the Budwig protocol?

Question 35: Viruses and flaxoil/cottage cheese (or quark): is anything known about the anti-VIRAL aspect of the Budwig Diet? Since viruses are held in the body at the cellular level, wouldn't the interaction of sulphur/essential fatty acids (EFAs] attack viruses (AIDS, herpes, etc.) as it does cancer cells?

The nutrients found in flaxoil/cottage cheese (or quark) are a basic requirement for the immune system. Therefore, the Budwig Protocol improves the immune system. For example, she found that microorganisms observed in the blood of cancer patients receded as the greenish/yellow substance in the blood gave way to the normal red when her diet was given.

Question 36 (1): Is there any effect on diabetes with the Budwig Protocol?

Dr. Budwig says that diabetes starts because of a lack of highly unsaturated fatty acids and that the body's inability to process sugar is a condition that follows. For example in her book "Flax Oil as a True Aid for Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer & Other Diseases" page 12, she says: "The basic problem with diabetics is really an impairment of the fats metabolism system, and not that of the conversion of sugar. The sugar assimilation problem is only secondary."

Here is a quote from her 1959 book "Das Fettsyndrom" (The Fat Syndrome) p. 62 (not everything is translated verbatim):

"Overburdening to exhaustion of the pancreatic gland and the formation of a tumor in the pancreas is more prevalent today than ever... diabetes is a 'fat syndrome' as is the entire complex of pancreatitis. The fact that the mentioned disorders with this 'upper abdomen syndrome' in the Liver-Gallbladder-Pancreas have a common cause in fat metabolism, has until now not been considered.

This applies to the exocrine part of the pancreas which produces pancreatic fluid, and also to the endocrine glands which are also known as the Islets of Langerhans, because they play a significant role in diabetics..."

I will skip the next 10 or 11 lines on this subject and continue with this: "The patient is told in clinics about the quantity of fat to take but alas, the type of fat is not taken into consideration. But that is the deciding factor. If a diabetic changes his fat consumption to the principles of the Oil-Protein Diet with its highly unsaturated fatty acids, and the ballast fats and the poisons that choke fat metabolism are excluded, a recovery of the diabetic patient almost always occurs..." This text continues, but I will end it here since the main point of interest has been made.

Cancer researcher Lothar Hirneise — a 'must read' if you have any doubts about Dr. Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet — says about diabetes:

"But I can tell you one thing, a very nice side effect with many cancer patients which I have seen, who have injected insulin for years and who then went on the Oil-Protein Diet, that they afterwards did not need to inject insulin anymore."

Addendum: Since once you do have diabetes, sugar and carbohydrates are a problem, consumption of those must be strongly curtailed. In the Budwig diet, the amount of carbohydrates one eats is not stipulated except for the prohibition of sugar and processed carbohydrates such as white flour. One obviously needs to keep carbohydrates low in cancer, especially so if one has diabetes as well.

Also note that in Question 23 above, AC writes about her father and sister having healed of cancer thanks to the Budwig protocol, and adds: "I have many more interesting stories to tell about diabetes and arthritis and believe me, all very positive."

Compare Cancer Researcher Lothar Hirneise Confirms Primordial Importance of Budwig Protocol for Cancer Patients and Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in the Treatment & Healing of Diabetes Type II: Reducing Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure & Leg Pain.

Question 36 (2): Is flax good or bad for diabetes type II?

According to Encyclopædia Britannica, "There are two varieties of the disease. Type I is insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, or IDDM, for which insulin injection is required; it was formerly referred to as juvenile onset diabetes. In this type, insulin is not secreted by the pancreas and hence must be taken by injection. Type II, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, or NIDDM--which used to be called adult onset diabetes--may be controlled by dietary restriction.

It derives from sluggish pancreatic insulin secretion and tissue resistance to secreted insulin, which is complicated by subtle changes in the secretion of insulin by the beta cells. Despite their former classifications as juvenile or adult, either type can occur at any age; NIDDM, however, is the most common type, accounting for 90 percent of all diabetes."

According to nowfoods.com/?action=itemdetail&item_id=83305, Flaxseed Provides Another Way to Help Protect Against Diabetes: "Read the latest research showing that flaxseed significantly lowers both blood sugar and blood lipids in patients diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)."

So together with the explanations given under Question 35 (1), it would seem that diabetes Type II would possibly yield even quicker to the properly implemented Budwig protocol (as far as this protocol is presently fully known — the majority of Dr. Budwig’s books still await translation into English). (credits: Healing Cancer Naturally)
Compare Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in the Treatment & Healing of Diabetes Type II: Reducing Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure & Leg Pain.

Question 36 (3): I am diabetic and using the Budwig diet. Do you have any additional advice what to do or look out for?

Answer 1:
If (and only if) I was diabetic, I'd avoid dried fruit, dates, bananas, oranges, & tropical fruit (except guava). However, I think the following fruits are fine for most diabetics (and are cancer-healing):
organic berries (organic strawberries, cherries [anthocyanins], blueberries, raspberries, goji); grapefruit, lemon, ripe tomato, nonsweet apples, pears, peaches. (credits: Leonard)

Answer 2:
Cinnamon is often recommended as a helpful spice for diabetics. As with any one food substance it may be wise to not overdo cinnamon either. Recent discussions expressed concerns (whether founded or not) about coumarin, a substance found in this spice, having liver-damaging potential. In this and similar instances it may be good to remember that many/most natural foodstuffs contain some toxic substances (i.e. substances unusable or in higher concentrations damaging to the human organism). Hence (again) the interest of consuming a varied diet. (credits: Healing Cancer Naturally)

Answer 3:
See Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in the Treatment & Healing of Diabetes Type II: Reducing Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure & Leg Pain (includes Note On the Link Between Diabetes and Cancer). (credits: Healing Cancer Naturally)

Special note: For a most spectacular detox-based cancer victory after having been sent home to die, which included healing from advanced diabetes with blindness, see Testimonial: terminal breast cancer cure.

Last but far from least: diabetes type 2, the so-called incurable condition, actually has quickly yielded to simple caloric restriction, see eg the university study published at www.ncl.ac.uk/press.office/press.release/item/diet-reverses-type-2-diabetes .

Tips for grinding flaxseed:

Use a coffee grinder for easy grinding. To easily keep it clean (remember flaxseed oxidises, i.e. goes rancid, apparently within 15 minutes), use a small paint brush to thoroughly brush out the old flaxseeds before putting in the fresh flaxseeds.
(credits for brush tip: Rhoda Freed)
Compare: Is is really necessary to grind the flaxseeds separately or is it OK to mix them in directly?.

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For the most comprehensive and authoritative English-language coverage worldwide of the oil-protein diet & protocol developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, see

This and the subsequent FAQ pages address numerous "finer points" of the application of her healing protocol. Information on basics such as daily diet plan etc. can be found under Budwig Diet & Protocol Details.

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