
Two Bladder Cancer Cures Achieved via Water Fasting

Part 3: Report of stage III bladder cancer healing

by Jean-Claude Gruau © 2002, excerpted, translated, and annotated by Healing Cancer Naturally copyright © 2013 with permission of the author, from a speech held at Tours (France) in December, 2002, and continued from Part 2. Original, unabridged French version published at

C. 10 years after reporting his own bladder cancer (stage II) victory (see Part 1), Jean-Claude Gruau helped another cancer patient named Michel Dagon to do the same.

Following surgery for bladder cancer (stage III) in January 2001, Michel Dagon had read Jean-Claude's above-linked first talk and started to fast for nearly four weeks on his own. Upon learning of his case, Jean-Claude invited him to his home warning that fasting on his own was dangerous, and Michel moved in with him to safely continue his fast to completion.

The following text gives details on what happened from then on as well as more thoughts by Jean-Claude Gruau on fasting. It has been excerpted and translated by Healing Cancer Naturally from a follow-up speech by Jean-Claude Gruau titled "I healed myself of bladder cancer via water fasting - and so did Michel" held on 7 December 2002 in which he reports on this even more spectacular bladder cancer cure achieved via water fasting (and with his help) by his new friend Michel Dagon.

Now over to Jean-Claude Gruau.

In this talk I will address the good fasting did both for Michel's and my own healing.

I will then address the repercussions of fasting upon daily life and finally conclude by suggesting a method to be used after fasting to extend its benefits.

I have been healed from bladder cancer more than 10 years ago (for details see the speech I held about my success at that time). What is new is that meanwhile, a second person has been healed under the same conditions as my own.

On 23 January 2001, Michel Dagon had a tumour cut out (in medical lingo, he had a polyp resected). 6 days later, results from the specialised laboratory were in after analysis of the sample taken, and they read, "tumorous malignant growth ... voluminous transitional infiltrating mass; at least Stage pT1. Grade III. " (see medical documents pictured below)

I understand from that anatomical-pathological gibberish that Michel is at a higher grade than myself: I myself had only been a "grade II".

Since 3 September 1980, on which date I had my first urological exam, doctors tried everything to keep that grade 2 tumour from regrowing, which originally had seemed like a harmless shadow. Finally in 1989, nothing but a total resection of the bladder was considered an official option.

As you can see, it took me a number of years until I decided to actually take charge of myself. In fact I "went under the knife" a full five times before I thought of undertaking a fast. (I have made a cross beside each surgery on the two medical documents below). So it wasn't the decision of an enlightened person who suddenly thought to himself, "hey, I will fast and all will be well!!"

Nor was it upon the instructions obtained from some heavenly guru's sect that I decided to fast. It was in fact after reading a book by Monique Couderc[1] who healed herself of cancer of the neck of the uterus after three weeks of fasting. This simply was the last chance I had, and it turned out to be the right choice.

It's difficult to dispel the prejudices which exist regarding fasting: borne out empirically, life gradually instills ideas such as "the less one eats, the sicker one gets". This is not only what you hear but actually what you experience: it's never nice to skip a meal and skipping two of them is downright heroic, so you conclude that skipping ten meals is pathological and skipping 60 is impossible.

Since doing the 28-day fast which healed me, I have made at least seven fasts of more than fifteen days' duration, three of which were some 28 days long, and lo and behold, my eyes didn't fall out, nor did my hair and in fact, my bladder.

I am far from wanting to put down doctors or medical science: without them, I wouldn't be here to give a speech since no one would have performed bypass surgery on me. But when it comes to fasting, generally speaking they don't know the first thing for the good reason that they've never heard of it at medical school (which will only mention it to those who study people who died of starvation).

Now the public wouldn't allow a doctor not to know, so the doctor (at least the doctor who likes to have clients) acts the part and replies with the common sense response: "But of course fasting isn't advisable: the less you eat, the weaker you'll become, quod erat demonstrandum!!"

So I'd like to share with you what I firmly believe: fasting isn't harmful. In fact, that's an understatement, because fasting is actually useful. Its benefits have even been described as analogous to those of surgery, but of surgery without the knife. These are the words of someone who studied fasting his entire life, who supervised more than 10.000 cases of fasting and who died at 89 years of age (Dr. Herbert Shelton - the most eminent representative of the Natural Hygiene movement).

You will say "why should we put trust in quotes from this Mr. Shelton more than in what our doctors say. They, after all, have the entire university, laboratories, electron microscopes, research etc. behind them…."

Ok, I'll retry from scratch: personally I don't know any doctor who has studied fasting. Not only that, but during my first fast I had requested to be followed (via checkups) by a nutritionally oriented physician, and he had refused to do so! I suppose he was an ace with respect to vitamins and knew everything about proteins, sugars, lipids etc., but with respect to fasting he didn't seem to be the expert, I assume that this wasn't part of his university training.

Fasting smacks of sulfur and sects, and sorcery isn't far away either. One thinks of the Christian who castigates himself, thinking he will atone in this manner for his sins from several lifetimes at one go. Well I have to tell you such ideas never crossed my mind, in spite of calling myself a believer.

What I trust in is the extraordinary resources of the human body. The complexity of our bodies is far from being understood by either doctors or medical science.

Each decade more and more amazing and mutually inhibitory mechanisms are being discovered in the way the brain transmits its orders. Each decade we learn that what had been considered truth is outdated, and vice versa. Just look at a future mother who is about to create her child-to-be! Her body transforms itself, a huge number of minerals, liquids, elements are built up, get directed into various locations all at the same time, and finally, you have the baby!

I know that medical science comes ever closer to an understanding of the human body, but to give you an image, the knowledge we do possess about the body corresponds to that of an astronomer based in another world who just discovered the earth via his telescope.

"Aha!" he'd go, "There's a planet I know well, it is blue." Several years later he would see that it's not just blue, he'd also see 5 continents, followed by cities and towns, then by animals, then cells, chromosomes in double helix formation, then viruses of several angströms size.

But this is a never-ending process of discovery, next there are molecules, atoms, quarks, then, mmh, not too sure what, and all of this whirls and swirls and interacts, in short, lives. I recall this to mind to make it clear that indeed we only know the most superficial aspects of things, i.e. that our knowledge only skims the surface of things as they are (compare On Life, Truth & Philosophy: Quotes).

That's an important point to make. It justifies my confidence in our infinite abilities to heal.

When the body is subjected to fasting, it begins to "eat" everything in it that is surplus. And make no mistake, this is not hearsay evidence I am reporting, but I am speaking from personal experience. At the end of 15 days of fasting, I always note improved vision, bright eyes and clean ears (no longer any yellow earwax).

My idea may be simplistic but is nevertheless clear: At the end of a two or three week fast, the body begins to eat itself (this process is called autolysis). The same principle applies in the case of the tadpole which, triggered by the vital force of evolution, transforms into a frog by eating its own tail ... Similarly during a fast, the body first consumes what is the least useful, driven by the vital instincts of evolution. Any useless cancerous cells? Off it goes into the frying pan.

During a fast, the entire inscrutable mechanism of our body will wake up, all infantrymen of our bodily machine are marching, the neuro-transmitters transmit, the antibodies antibody, out go the impurities! The faster begins to smell, even his urine will smell since there are no other excretions. Michel who fasted for 39 days didn't have a single bowel movement for 41 days (compare Addenda)!

Many have told me, "you have to believe in it, one has to believe in the power of the mind".

Well, when you are cold, you put on a coat: that's a technique: by covering oneself, one feels less cold.

Now to be rigourously exact, one should say: "I, Mr. X, I note that when I cover myself, I feel warm, it's nothing to do with the power of the mind!" So I have to say: "I, JC Gruau, when I fast, the following happens: this is a technique and nothing to do with the power of the mind. Perhaps when you fast, nothing of the sort of thing I have described will happen to you, as there are also people who are always cold, even with a coat on, and who need an additional sweater, and as there are other people who don't get cold even if they wear nothing but a shirt!

Well while I didn't have a uterus, I did have cancer, and the technique used by Monique Couderc to heal herself of cancer also worked for me, as it worked for Michel, but it will perhaps not work for you! But it's a technique, with the power of the mind having nothing to do with it, except perhaps in order to resist the general disapproval which the word fasting triggers in France, although not in Sweden nor in Germany.

"But if you fast for a year, you will die of starvation", trumpets the man in the street with a scientific bent, smart observer that he is.

Yes, when you are packed in three coats, you'll be too warm, and if a truckload of coats is emptied upon you, you could die asphyxiated. A technique which is used beyond its field of application will indeed result in any kind of thing.

I've often explained to Michel's family that the trick with fasting is to kill the cancer preferentially before the man. I must admit that this joke fell on deaf ears at that point. Now that Michel is healed, the family finds it more funny.

I wrote in my daily notes at the time (March 2001):

I am flabbergasted by Michel's performance: tonight, Michel will finish his 34th day of fasting!

He hasn't drunk anything but water for over a month. His morale is fragile. ... His current blood pressure is 94 over 62 after a previous 84 over 65, these aren't good numbers because there isn't much difference between them. Having myself had a blood pressure of 90, I can imagine what it must be like to have 84!

I am well aware that I will get into serious trouble if Michel passes while staying with me. At the moment, however, I'm quite certain that there's no danger considering that Michel is very prudent and won't do anything inconsiderate like taking a shower or putting himself needlessly under strain. Monique Couderc once fainted (after 15 days of fasting) after taking a shower.

Whatever demands energy from the body, to adapt to a sudden change in exterior circumstances (here a change in temperature), must be kept to the absolute minimum since someone who's fasted for a long time has a reduced fuel supply.

I think that indeed in order to continue functioning the body is forced to get paid in kind. To nourish itself at any cost, it will therefore absorb cancerous cells and other impurities.

In that view, the more deeply "embedded" the cancer is, the more one needs to develop the body's ability to make use of the "deepest recesses of the drawer", driven by the life force; at the beginning of my fast, to further accelerate this process, I went out to walk and to ride my bike. Again, that's not something one should do if one's body protests, Michel always limited any physical efforts to the extent possible.

Here are more extracts of Michel's life at my place until his acid test (ultrasound scan of his bladder) on 6 April 2001.

He had fasted for 26 days at home alone after reading my first talk. When learning of his case, I told him that being on his own was dangerous because of the risk of fainting due to low blood sugar. He accepted to come to my place in order not to be alone.

(Jean-Claude goes on to describe that Michel felt unusually warm - normally fasting makes you feel cold - and developed thigh pain to the point Jean-Called called a doctor. The physician declared that Michel had no clinical signs of phlebitis. About to heave a sigh of relief, Jean-Claude was told by the doctor in private that most probably, Michel had developed metastasis at L2 [apparently referring to the second lumbar vertebra]. Jean-Claude continues:)

At that point, Michel was on his 35th day of rigourous fasting. I warned Michel that it was virtually a given that he had mets in that L2 region, but as it turned out, this was wrong, the radiologist couldn't find a trace of metastasis!

While in this manner, we still didn't have a clue as to the origin of Michel's leg pain, the effect of the good news was euphoria and our morale was dramatically uplifted. To transform probable mets into virtual mets by simple x-ray is not to be sneezed at: one can't say medicine is good for nothing if by first alarming the patient to then reassure him all the better does create a feeling of euphoria...

When shortly thereafter, Michel's twin brother came to visit, Michel spoke as normal, loud and clear, all afternoon. I mention this since in my case after 25 days of fasting I found it hard to follow a conversation for more than an hour (but it's true that at that point, I had a dramatically lowered red blood cell count).

26 March 2001: 37 days of fasting
Michel still going strong and determined, his thighs still hurt, strangely when he lies down (see Addenda). He wants to go on fasting as long as possible, perhaps 40 days; my wife Christine keeps rice cooked for several hours and passed through a sieve ready for him in case he wants to break his fast (after 37 days of fasting, one mustn't eat just any old thing).

We have concluded that washing is useless, in fact a masseur told us that Michel was extraordinarily clean "as you have been, Jean-Claude". When fasting a long time, you stop sweating. In addition, to wash (or even to be washed) is terribly tiring and leads to a loss of energy (in contrast to what happens to normal people who feel refreshed and full of energy after showering).

Michel breaks his fast

27 March 2001
Christine has cooked rice in the night, 60g of rice in seven times the amount of water simmering for 2 hours and strained to remove the fibre which in bowels on strike since 39 days would only wreak havoc. Michel eats it in small portions spread over many hours.

28 March 2001
Michel renews his acquaintance with vegetable broth and finds it more delicious than anything he's ever eaten before.
First results: my doctor has finally commented on the results of Michel's blood count made on day 35 of his fast: extraordinary! Just the bilirubin is a bit off normal but "amazing that after such a long fast there aren't more abnormalities".

Continue to part 4: The letter MICHEL DAGON wrote to his ex-family doctor after he cured himself of bladder cancer.


1 J'ai vaincu mon cancer: Histoire d'une guérison par la médecine naturelle

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