Ozone treatment

Oxidation: the key to cancer and degenerative disease

by Dr. George A. Freibott

"Even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen on normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." — Dr. Otto Warburg, the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, in 1931 and again in 1944.

Oxidation — What does the word oxidation mean? Of late, much has been spoken of ozone, oxygen, oxidation, oxidative therapies and aerobics. What do these have in common? What are the mysterious properties that result in such phenomenal healing assistance to the body?

Oxidation is defined as the ability of oxygen to combine with other substances forming water and gases. In the body, the process of oxidation occurs repeatedly. Without this process taking place, life would cease very, very quickly. We take oxygen, through our respiratory exchanges, and dispose of body effete, also referred to as 'toxins.' Our blood has the function of picking up oxygen from the lungs, transporting it, and disposing of toxins. This, in combination with several other metabolic functions, is oxidation.

Oxygen, the most crucial element to our health and lives, is vastly being depleted: Pollution, whether internal or environmental, is the robber. Often today we hear of the 'toxic free radicals' and the free radical theory of disease causation. Yet, without free radicals the body ceases to exist.

Oxygen and ozone break down to unpaired, freely bonding electron sub-units able to combine with other free radicals. These new compounds can then be excreted. The common belief today is "Free radicals are bad, nasty, harmful to the human body." Do not be fooled! Free radicals are necessary to the functioning and nutrition of the human organism. It is the excessive proliferation of free radicals that are unnecessary to metabolic function and nutrition that are often harmful to the human organism.

Why are we now discussing free radicals? Because free radicals are either a boon or a bane to the state of health and homeostasis. Without the free radical oxygen, also known as O1 or nascent oxygen, 'nasty, destructive' free radicals cannot be efficiently eliminated by the body. The nascent free radical oxygen seeks out and combines with toxic free radicals. These destructive free radicals have accumulated due to the absence of healthy 'free radical' oxygen. This absence has hindered the whole oxidative cycle of our aerobic bodies.

The ingestion of ozone and magnesium peroxide raise the level of oxygen in the body, and contribute to improved health through improved oxidation.

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after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

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