Treating Cancerous Tumors with Pure Raw Honey Packs
Destroying benign and malignant growths with honey poultices
Copyright © September 2013 Healing Cancer Naturally
The following information on cancer healing successes reaped with a totally natural and very simple treatment for cancerous tumors has been excerpted and translated from Erika Herbst's landmark book "Die Heilkunst von Morgen" [The Healing Arts of Tomorrow], 1000+ pages of rare and important information on natural health and healing.
Based on over forty years of research, the book presents (among other suppressed information) numerous ways in which people have successfully addressed many diseases including cancer — even late-stage or so-called terminal, i.e. after having been given up on by their doctors and sent home to die.
While the testimonials on the tumor-curative effect of topically applied unheated natural honey presented in the following are "anecdotal" (i.e. not "scientifically acceptable"), they are impressive and encouraging enough to warrant their inclusion on Healing Cancer Naturally — and there even exists extensive medical research into honey's potential as a cancer-fighting agent.
Scientific studies re natural honey as a medical and anticancer treatment
Natural honey and/or its components have been shown to possess a wide range of medicinal properties, among them as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Honey can enhance wound healing.
The fact that honey even has its place in cancer treatment has been shown in a number of studies with human cell cultures and animals[1] showing various antitumor and other beneficial effects against cancer.
The PubMed database[2] carries several dozen scientific studies and articles on the effect of honey and/or its compounds on cancer cells, tumor growth and related subjects such as
- Honey as a Potential Natural Anticancer Agent: A Review of Its Mechanisms
(printed in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2013, with free full text available at ) - Effects of Honey and Its Mechanisms of Action on the Development and Progression of Cancer
(published in Molecules in 2014, with free full text available at ) - Honey and Cancer: Sustainable Inverse Relationship Particularly for Developing Nations—A Review.
Among other findings, honey has been found effective against radiation- or chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis (see Radiation burns treatment: scroll to "Honey treatment against radiation mucositis in head and neck cancer patients treated with radiation").
Free full text at
Other relevant studies carry titles such as - Honey induces apoptosis in renal cell carcinoma
- Involvement of non-protein thiols, mitochondrial dysfunction, reactive oxygen species and p53 in honey-induced apoptosis
- Honey, health and longevity
- Antiproliferative effects of honey and of its polyphenols: a review
- A systematic review of honey uses and its potential value within oncology care
- Protective covering of surgical wounds with honey impedes tumor implantation
all of which studies can be retrieved via PubMed.
In addition to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihypertensive and hypoglycemic effects, honey among other things was found to be highly cytotoxic to tumor and cancer cells, modulating their development and progression (while being non-cytotoxic to normal cells).
Honey's potential mechanisms of action were found to include
- inhibition of angiogenesis
- modulation of the processes of initiation, promotion, and progression stages
- induction of apoptosis.
Anticancer properties of honey were found to include
- immunomodulatory
- antimetastatic, antiproliferative (inhibiting tumor growth and proliferation)
- antitumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF)
Conclusion: "...honey can inhibit carcinogenesis ... and may serve as a ... promising anticancer agent".
While none of the research published to date has looked into the simple method used in the following anecdotal cancer cure/tumor healing testimonials (where natural raw honey was "fed" via the skin), the study Antineoplastic activity of honey in an experimental bladder cancer implantation model: in vivo and in vitro studies at least was able to show that intralesional injection of 6 and 12% honey as well as oral ingestion of honey significantly inhibited tumor growth in mice[1].
Interestingly, Erika Herbst, the author of the book from which the following testimoni als have been excerpted and translated and who has studied natural health and healing for half a century, writes that cancer healings achieved with raw honey dressings were the first natural cancer cures brought to her attention.
Testimonials: tumors dissolved with natural honey packs
Sarcoma disappears thanks to raw honey poultices
Maria Mosbacher, 65, was diagnosed with a sarcoma in her thigh. Her doctor refused surgery since he said it would only hasten the end. Maria also suffered from sleeplessness and heart trouble.
After yet another sleepless night, she suddenly remembered her brother's mother-in-law who had healed her own breast cancer with honey packs (an old beekeeper had once told her that honey was the only remedy against cancer). So Maria immediately wrapped her thigh in honey and put a linen cloth on top.
The following night, for the first time in weeks, she was able to sleep. On day 2, she managed to climb the stairs to the second floor without having to pause for breath. As her heart trouble gradually subsided, her former mobility returned — as did (a bit later) her energy and initiative.
After three months, her constant fatigue was a thing of the past and she felt that she had totally regained her health.
The tissue where the sarcoma had formerly been continued to be somewhat harder so she kept applying the honey packs before bed.
The dissolution of the sarcoma triggered by the honey pack did cause unbearable pain so she did not apply packs on a permanent basis. To keep the pain manageable, she applied a fresh honey poultice and protective cloth every night after taking a shower.
Overall, she treated her sarcoma for two years with honey, after which time it could no longer be felt (palpated).
Two or three months later however she noticed the tumor growing again (Erika Herbst comments that this was no wonder since she was still sleeping in the same bed where she was exposed to geopathic stress, the very reason why the honey treatment took so long to effect a complete cure in the first place).
Maria then decided to use a small plastic knife for applying the honey which for convenience she left in the jar. From then on, the sarcoma grew at an unbelievable rate, eventually looking like a "bunch of grapes".
It was at this point that Maria came across a book on the influence of electric cables, EMFs, plastics etc. in one's environment. She threw out the knife and the honey and started with a fresh jar and a silver spoon, and was rewarded with great success.
Incidentally, the above "plastic knife incident" furnishes strong evidence that we are not simply dealing with a pure case of placebo here, as one might have easily surmised reading the first part of Maria's story.
If the healing of her sarcoma were a simple effect of the "power of the mind", Maria should have continued to do well using honey packs even after starting to use a plastic utensil for application.
Terminal breast cancer healed with unheated honey poultices
The same Maria Mosbacher who healed her own thigh sarcoma as reported above also shared the details of the story of her brother's mother-in-law who as mentioned above was told by a beekeeper that honey was the only remedy against cancer.
When she went to see the doctor at age 52 for symptoms of listlessness, fatigue and some other complaints, he immediately sent her to hospital for a checkup since he suspected cancer.
Her children were then informed that their mother did have breast cancer, that it was too late for surgery and that she had a few weeks to live.
She immediately had herself discharged. Back at home she took an old duvet cover and cut two pieces off it which were large enough to cover her breasts. One of the cloths she thickly covered with honey and applied it to her chest. Covering it with the second cloth, she fastened everything with her bra.
She left the poultice on until it no longer felt sticky, i.e. the breast had completely absorbed the honey. One week of honey packs later, she was already back at her work. She died at age 85 and in the 33 years in-between was never ill again even once.
(Another woman named Ute Sillmann gave an intermediate report on her use of honey packs for breast cancer: two of her four tumors of approximately one cm size (a bit under half an inch) had opened and secreted some pus, she then started applying high-quality olive oil[4] and had since been painfree, with one spot already closing and looking good.)
Honey packs and other natural remedies heal terminal lung cancer: two cases
1) In July 1975, Mrs. Anni Michalski had surgery for lung cancer. Some time later she had a relapse and the new tumor was treated with radiation — apparently successfully — from May to August 1976, She finally developed metastases — at which point patients are typically sent home to die.
When she learned about geopathic stress and how it could contribute to cancer, she had herself tested. The test revealed heavy exposure to geopathic stress. After changing her bed position, her general condition literally improved overnight.
With hindsight, she realized that her body had known all along that something was amiss — whenever she went to sleep in that bed, she had developed heart palpitations and cramps in her calves and feet, all of which was now a thing of the past.
In fact during her stay at the hospital she had remarked to the nurse that she wished she could take her hospital bed back home with her since she always had slept so peacefully in that bed.
On 1st July 1977, she began applying honey packs on a daily basis. Using a three cm wide flat brush, she painted her entire chest with honey and covered the area with a linen cloth. She preferred this method to first applying the honey to the cloth since the honey stuck well to the skin and there was no need to handle a gluey cloth.
In addition to removing herself from geopathic stress and applying honey packs daily (which became a pleasant personal hygiene routine), she also underwent the kerosene cure (all three are part of my "22 Greatest Hits" report) which helped to gently detoxify her body.
Anni Michalski reports feeling well today.
2) In March 1977, Mr. Otto Büller (65) was diagnosed with lung cancer. Told that it was too late for surgery, he was advised to undergo radiation therapy which he didn't want "due to the well-known horrific side effects".
In one of Erika Herbst's early publications he had read about similar patients who had successfully used honey packs and a remedy called Frajose-in C and Frajose-in LY whose example he wanted to follow.
He immediately started on the honey poultices to his chest and as early as the first night, saw the swelling of his upper arms recede by six cm. He eventually had himself checked into a biological sanatorium (run by Dr. Eickhorn, now closed) where he was completely healed.
Various cancer testimonials involving unheated honey application
- Maria Mosbacher in addition to her own and her brother's mother-in-law case also reported the experience of a good friend of hers who she was sure had uterine cancer since she had been bleeding for a long time. After curing her own thigh sarcoma with honey packs (see above), Maria told this friend about honey.
This friend (quite naively) went straight to her doctor asking him to insert the honey. The doctor of course was skyhigh above such "quackery", but she found help with her former midwife. This friend also regained her health. - Additionally, Maria Mosbacher was told by her brother that someone had healed his colon cancer by regularly inserting raw honey into the colon (Maria adds that if one eats the honey, the enzymes are digested in the stomach and so the honey no longer helps in the colon).
And apparently even her brother's advanced liver cancer was healed with unheated honey packs, testifying — if true to fact — to truly amazing curative powers hidden in unheated natural honey. - A woman with a knot on her rib close to her surgery scar (confirmed by a naturopath) applied a honey poultice three times in a row before bed and the knot was gone apart from a bruise which also disappeared a few days later.
Another woman reported a knot on her thigh nearly disappeared within a week of applying honey packs.
Honey poultices eliminate medical radiation damage including bone pain (anecdotal report)
See entry under Radiation burns treatment: Natural remedies for radiation damage to the skin.
What kind of honey should be used for honey packs?
- Erika Herbst notes that honeydew honey doesn't seem to work and that it must be honey obtained from the nectar of plants.
- The honey used must be unheated and if at all available, from an organic beekeeper or from bees who gather the nectar in unpolluted wild places.
- As seen from the above sarcoma healing testimonial, the honey must not come in touch with plastic (utensils, storage container) lest it loses its healing potency.
- For raw honey packs use the honey while it is soft (uncrystallized) or it may hurt the skin.
- To best preserve all of your honey's beneficial properties, store it in a dark place or jar (some of its components are light-sensitive and/or will actually be destroyed by light).[3]
Honey packs a panacea?
Erika Herbst notes that honey packs did not help everyone who tried them for dissolving tumors and advises (as with other remedies) to have oneself tested beforehand by a physician or naturopath who uses electromagnetic blood or similar testing to determine which remedies are optimally suited for the person.
As usual and somewhat differing from the above advice (which in any case is not within anybody's easy reach), Healing Cancer Naturally advises to "consult" one's intuition and inner guidance before deciding on any one specific remedy or course of action.
1 Animal experimentation on both ethical and scientific grounds is not supported by Healing Cancer Naturally, see Cancer Research, Toxicity Testing & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?.
2 PubMed is a free database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health.
3 I once had the opportunity to compare two honey samples from the exact same batch of Demeter honey but which had been stored in different containers for about two years. One had been preserved in a normal transparent glass jar, the other had been kept in a dark violet glass jar. When opening the latter, the honey gave off a strong fragrance, while the former only had a faint residual smell left — clearly showing that different storing conditions can directly affect the composition and quality of honey.
4 Olive oil according to Swiss Benedictine naturopath Father Häberle "is able to penetrate even the hardest bones and bring healing where it is needed".
... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer
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