Why Alternative Cancer Treatment
It is time to end cancer research on animals because it is not related to humans.
Dr A. Sabin
Welcome to page eighteen of “Why Alternatives?”. Like the preceding and following articles, page 18 focuses on questions surrounding the subject of Cancer Research & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?
Cancer: Why We're Losing the War
previously found at www.peta.org/factsheet/files/FactsheetDisplay.asp?ID=85
Since President Richard Nixon signed the Conquest of Cancer Act in 1972, initiating the "war on cancer" in the United States, that "war" has become a losing battle.
Since 1971 the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has grown into a $2 billion-a-year federal funding source for cancer researchers(1), and the American Cancer Society (ACS) has doubled its annual income from public contributions.(2)
Every year, $30 billion is spent on cancer research, detection, and treatment in the United States (3), yet cancer remains our nation's No. 2 killer. In fact, the incidence of cancer has risen 18% and the mortality rate has increased by 7% since 1971.(4)
Prevention Is Possible
According to the World Health Organization, up to 90 percent of all cancers are preventable, yet less than one quarter of 1 percent of the NCI's budget is spent on prevention. Clinical studies have proved that most cancers are caused by smoking and by eating high-fat foods, foods high in animal protein, and foods containing artificial colors and other additives.
Frank Rauscher, Ph.D., senior vice president for ACS Research, states that "Prevention of cancer will be a major challenge...because it is the ultimate hope for the control of cancer."(5)
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is a growing organization that promotes the prevention of cancer, and endorses non-animal methods of cancer study and treatment.
PCRM reports that "a high-fat diet has been linked to cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, ovary, uterus, cervix, and other organs. Careful studies have also implicated proteins, particularly animal proteins, in cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, pancreas, and possibly other organs.
Of course, animal-based foods are often also high in fat. Nonetheless, evidence suggests that these proteins may have a cancer-promoting effect of their own."(6)
Of Mice and Men
Cancer research scientist Irwin D.J. Bross, Ph.D., director of biostatistics at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in New York, attributes the public's lack of knowledge about cancer to misleading animal studies:
"Not a single new drug for the treatment of human cancer was first picked up by an animal model system...the results of animal model systems for drugs or other modalities have done nothing but confuse and mislead the cancer researchers who have tried to extrapolate from mice to man.
Moreover, when they have been used to guide clinical research they have sent investigators on one long and costly wild goose chase after another. Thus, scientifically speaking, the animal studies are a fraud.
Privately, they [vivisectors] will concede that animal models don't work, but they shrug this off because nothing works."(7)
Critical Differences
Those who profit from animal experimentation continually insist that animals are physiologically similar to humans — similar enough to persuade us to believe that what happens in a rat, mouse, dog, cat, or other-than-human primate will occur in humans.
However, research chemist Dr. Edward Sharpe points out that cancer tumors found in animals are of a completely different nature from those found in humans.
Most animal cancers arise in the bone, connective tissue, or muscle (sarcomas), whereas most human cancers arise in living membranes (carcinomas).(8) Furthermore, animals confined to small laboratory cages, repeatedly manipulated, and otherwise subjected to pain and stress make very poor "models" of human cancer patients.
Such animals are often heavily irradiated in attempts to give them cancer tumors, or are given highly concentrated doses of substances that a human being would never be exposed to.
Former American Cancer Society president Dr. Marvin Pollard has acknowledged the problems with animal studies. "My own belief is that we have relied too heavily on animal testing, and we believed it too strongly. Now, I think we are commencing to realize that what goes on in an animal may not necessarily be applicable to humans."(9)
Technologies and Treatments
There are many sophisticated non-animal research methods that can be used in the development of treatments for cancer patients. Technologies using human tumor cells have recently been developed by researchers at NCI.
Today we also have extremely complex computer systems like "HUMTRN" that can be used to test the effects of drugs on the human body. These alternatives show researchers the possible side effects such drugs would have on the entire human system.
Of the three basic treatment methods available to people diagnosed with cancer today — surgical removal, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy — not one is guaranteed effective. If a cancer does become remissive after one of these treatments, there is no assurance that it will not reappear.
Because they irradiate or poison normal tissues as well as cancerous ones, radiation and chemotherapy treatments can both cause additional cancers as well as unbearable side effects.
Typical side effects include nausea, hair loss, serious infections, bleeding sores around the mouth, soreness of the gums and throat, and ulceration and bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.(10) [In fact, there are Potential Serious Side Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatment you may not be warned about such as: Lymphedema, Chronic Radiation Enteritis and Chronic Radiation Proctitis.]
In a clinical study of women treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer, "42 percent receiving a single drug and 79 percent on multiple drug treatment said that side effects were severe enough to interfere with their lifestyle, whilst 29 percent of patients receiving several drugs voluntarily added (on the questionnaire) that treatment was 'unbearable' or 'could never be gone through again.'"(11)
Drug-based cancer treatments enable some patients to live longer, but this often only prolongs their suffering.
There are many nontoxic, noninvasive treatments for cancer, particularly nutrition-related treatments. Unfortunately, these methods are often overlooked or suppressed by proponents of the more lucrative, "traditional" cancer therapies, i.e., those that involve the production and sale of drugs.
Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, stated that "everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud" and that "a new idea has not been allowed into this system in 20 years" because of the influences of vested interest groups.(12)
After spending decades researching cancer survival statistics, Dr. Hardin Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California at Berkeley, came to this unexpected conclusion:
"My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims usually live up to four times longer than treated individuals."(13)
Clearly, our medical system must go beyond archaic animal studies and focus its attention on more sophisticated, human-based technologies and emphasize programs designed to prevent cancer altogether.
What You Can Do
Take responsibility for your health and avoid carcinogens. Stay away from animal-based foods (meat, eggs, and dairy products), tobacco, excessive radiation, artificial food additives and colorings, and pesticides.
Have your tap water tested for possible chemical contamination, and test your house for radon gas. Urge your state and federal legislators and government agencies to crack down on soil and air pollution.
Compare Radon, Vegetarians live longer, Nutrition, Lung Cancer, Cancer Causes: Radiation, Cancer Causes: Toxic Chemicals.
Encourage medical charities and research agencies to develop and use clinical, epidemiological, and other non-animal research methods. If you donate to medical charities, write, "Not to be used for animal studies," on your checks. Educate others about cancer prevention and help stop the nation's No. 2 killer before it strikes.
Many more cancer prevention suggestions at Cancer Prevention — the Natural Holistic Way, Budwig Diet, Causes, Detox, Emotions, Geopathic Stress, “Greatest Hits”, Healing Cancer, Juicers & Juicing, Light, Lothar Hirneise, Mind, Nature Heals, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's German New Medicine, Nutrition, Ozone, and Spirituality.
1) Ameduri, Kendall, "Cancer Research Flawed, Ineffective," Mesa Tribune, Jan. 31, 1994.
2) Chowka, Peter Barry, "Cancer Research, The $20 Billion Failure," East-West
Journal, March 1981.
3) Rattigan, P., N.D., "The Cancer Research Business and the Non-Lethal Alternatives."
4) Levy, Doug, "USA 'Losing Ground' in Cancer War," USA Today, Sept. 20, 1994.
5) Chowka, Peter Barry, "The Cancer Charity Rip-Off," Public Scrutiny, February 1981.
6) Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Methotrexate," PCRM Update, Jan./Feb. 1987.
7) Bross, Irwin, Ph.D., "Animals in Cancer Research: A Multibillion Dollar Fraud,"’
The A-V Magazine, Nov. 1982.
8) The Star, Johannesburg, South Africa, April 10, 1981.
9) Bross, Irwin, Ph.D., op.cit.
10) Moss, Ralph W., The Cancer Syndrome, 1980, pp. 51-75.
11) Bross, Irwin, Ph.D., op.cit.
12) Chowka, Peter Barry, East-West Journal, op.cit.
13) Ibid.
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