Supplements & Herbs

Medicinal cabbage leaf poultices

Dr. Blanc: tumors cured (1)

by Healing Cancer Naturally, copyright © 2016

In his landmark book[1], 19th-century physician Dr Anselme Blanc under the heading "Cancer" and "Tumour HEALING" reports several case histories of tumors that disappeared under cabbage leaf treatment[2]. Two of these cases he definitely believed to be cancerous (although he left it up to the reader to decide — and so does Healing Cancer Naturally, so this page is not to be construed as medical advice, see Disclaimer).

One of the cases concerned one Rosalie Reynaud, a 63 year old maid servant. As he clarifies in his book's foreword, Dr Blanc abridged this patient's case history, omitting the details of the complications that set in, each one of which constituted a serious illness in itself. What he did include about the tumour, he writes, would perfectly demonstrate how effective the leaf of the cabbage was when the art of medicine, having run out of options, was forced to resort to surgery.

The patient, Rosalie Reynaud, had been healthy until about four years earlier when she had lost all her savings due to her masters nearly going bankrupt. This affected her health[3]. She started developing a series of illnesses culminating in a tumour which in January 1869 began growing on the inner side of the radius of her left forearm, close to the carpal bones (the small bones making up the wrist).

The tumour was painful and was treated with (unspecified) poultices for two months. It was then lanced without first ascertaining by palpation whether there was fluctuation (indicating the presence of pus), which only produced some blood. The artificial opening thus created turned into an open sore (ulcer) which started to release a purulent, foul-smelling liquid.

The tumour continued to grow and so did the pain. On 23 May 1869, when Rosalie finally called Dr Blanc for help, the lower part of her left forearm was very swollen. On the inner side of the radius close to the carpal bones sat a vaguely rounded fungus-like tumour which measured 4 cm in diameter at its base. At 2 cm height, the tumour widened to 6 cm, growing even higher with its edges rolled up in the shape of a coupe.

Three quarters of the tumour's top were ulcerated, the ulcer presenting a reddish colour, irregular holes, a cellular appearance, and secreting a purulent serous liquid of foul odour; there had been no bleeding from this tumour.

Above the tumour and also on the inner side of the forearm (but on the ulna) sat a second tumour, this one 10 cm long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm high. It was softish, elastic, without fluctuation and next to painless.

Underneath those two tumours, on the borders of the carpal bones, were small elevations of bone-like hardness which adhered to the cancellous (trabecular or spongy) tissue of the forearm bone which at these points was red and swollen. The forearm including the radius tumour measured 23 cm in circumference; that of the right arm was under 17 cm.

Rosalie's complexion was yellowish, her sunken cheeks spoke of her suffering. The pain in her radius tumour was strong and stabbing, she had been unable to sleep and without appetite for some time.

At the sight of all these problems Dr Blanc concluded at the arm requiring amputation — advice which had already been given several times by others but which the patient continued to steadfastly refuse.

Dr Blanc started her on the cabbage leaf treatment, mostly as an object of study rather than based upon any hope of success. After washing the area with pure water, he surrounded the forearm with well-flattened leaves, covered them with cotton tissue and pads and fixed the whole pack into place.

As he came to renew the dressing in the evening, he noticed that an abundant discharge had already set in[2]. The following night Rosalie had less pain and was able to sleep.

The next morning, May 24th, as Dr Blanc visits the patient to renew the poultice, he finds everything — bandages, pads, cotton, leaves - soaked in a serous purulent liquid which at the site of the radius tumour additionally contains some yellowish dust.

Starting on the 25th, the arm became paler and less swollen and the patient developed an appetite. But around June 7, the inflammation reappeared, reaching the tumour at the ulna which became fluctuating. Upon pressure, the tumor released a serous discharge which contained little clumps ressembling soft cheese. Rosalie continued to eat and to sleep; her complexion was no longer yellowish, she was gaining strength and in fact began working again with her right hand on June 10.

The same treatment is continued. The suppuration, in both tumours, continues unabated and in July, four small tumours develop around her wrist which abcess and discharge (one of them) a gelatinous substance while the others exude a serous fluid containing clumps. Finally the two main tumours change into ulcers. In spite of this, Rosalie has little pain in her arm and uses it to peel vegetables.

In October her arm is no longer inflamed; the radius tumour had melted down giving off pus and dust and the following ulcer has scarred over, with its scar attached to the radius.

The ulna tumour and its detachments are healed, leaving a scar which adheres to the ulna.

What was left were the ulcers of the four small tumours. One of them scarred over at the end of 1869 (i.e. c. six months after the cabbage leaf treatment was begun), two during 1871. The fourth had not healed by 1872.

Dr Blanc commented that Rosalie's illness was most serious and it seemed likely to spell her death in the near future. In summary, her illness involved

  • swelling of the cancellous bone portion of the carpal end of the radius,
  • a fungus-like tumour, ulcerated and attached to that bone;
  • a second tumour located beside the ulna;
  • stabbing pain,
  • yellowish complexion,
  • loss of sleep and appetite.

In the course of the treatment, the patient presented with equally serious complications: new tumours, fistulous ulcers, subcutaneous detachments.

And all Dr Blanc used to counter all these formidable symptoms was the simple cabbage leaf, reaping unhoped-for success. From the first days of their application the stabbing pain ceased, sleep and appetite returned etc.

Dr Blanc concluded the description of this case by writing:

"I treat tumours, like swellings and circulatory blockages of whatever nature, with cabbage leaf. If those illnesses are of an inflammatory nature and are treated this way, one has a good chance to see them heal without the formation of pus, and if the leaves should not prevent this they will accelerate the suppuration, narrow its extent and reduce the pain thereof."

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1 "Notice sur les propriétés médicinales de la feuille de chou et sur son mode d'emploi" [approx.: On the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf and how to apply it] by Dr. Anselme Blanc, 4th expanded edition, 1883. This 248-page work features many spectacular healing successes in a variety of diseases obtained thanks to cabbage leaf application including numerous desperate cases.

2 For background information, see Medicinal cabbage leaf poultices Dr. Blanc: background on the therapeutic topical application of Brassica oleracea.

3 Compare the section Emotions & Cancer Healing for information on how our feelings can affect our health for good or for ill (literally).

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