Budwig Diet

Eldi Oils for External Use (Massage, Oil Packs & Enemas)

in the Budwig Cancer Treatment

by Healing Cancer Naturally copyright © March 2007

As a helpful (but not inexpensive) adjunct to her oil-protein diet in the treatment of cancer, Dr. Johanna Budwig in the late 1960s developed a proprietary oil blend she named Eldi-Öl (Elektronen-Differenzierungsöl: Electron Differentiation Oil or short ELDI oil in English).

She created these Eldi oils after performing precise spectroscopic measurements of the light absorption in different oils, specifying that the oils contained “pi-electron clouds from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (LA, omega-6) plus vitamin E in its natural complex, essential oils and sulfhydryl groups.”

Dr. Budwig believes, as stated in "Cancer — The Problem and the Solution" and in other books she wrote, that man depends on the vital electron-rich forces built up in seeds from solar energy (which controls all growth). She writes re cancer and Eldi oils among other things:

“Cancer is an illness of the whole organism. Cancer treatment must enable vital processes to recover in their entirety and thus conquer the cancerous ailment. The oil-protein diet I developed is able to break down and expel tumors and metastases via the immune defence.

To further activate this process I have developed oils for external application — the ELDI oils ... to offer the electron systems of the fatty acids of flaxseed oil in their active and effective form in a commercial product. ... Electron systems activate the respiratory function of the cell and [support] blood (hemoglobin) formation.”

She continues: “The sun is a preferred treatment modality, as is Eldi oil, used externally to stimulate the absorption of the long-wave band of the sun. ... I have used ELDI oils extensively since 1968 for massaging the entire body as well as in the selective (targeted) application of oil packs. Where required I use these ELDI oils rectally (as enemas/infusions). ...

Cancer treatments which inhibit growth and are thus 'hostile to life' as well as dietary fats which impede respiratory function cause pain in the sick. The ELDI oils I invented produce the opposite effect. ... As a matter of fact, the practical application of the oils both on the inside (flax oil/quark) and on the outside (as Eldi oils) allows to largely eliminate all narcotic substances. ... US pain institutes report: ‘What this lady does with her ELDI oils, none of us manages to do via painkillers’.”

On the importance of using Eldi oils for a cancer patient implementing the Budwig protocol

Judging by her available German books published after 1968 it appears that Dr. Budwig used Eldi oils with next to all her cancer patients, at least the serious cases (which she may have seen most of).

In fact, Eldi oils are a central pillar of Dr. Budwig’s treatment advice for very ill cancer patients who are very weak and/or unable to eat. Starting in 1968, she also added ruby laser treatments (which currently don't seem to be offered by anyone).

Considering that her treatment prior to the development of Eldi oils also reaped successes and that additionally, Eldi oils are the only part of her regime and lifestyle advice that is not inexpensive, I would advise cancer patients implementing her approach to not be concerned in case they are unable to include them in their treatment plan. Additionally, there is the possibility of making your own "alternative" Eldi oil (see below under "Make your own alternative Eldi oil and save money").

Types of Eldi oils

There are seven types of Eldi oils on offer, Eldi Oil R being the most commonly used and the least expensive (sold in 500ml bottles).

Dr. Johanna Budwig’s instructions for the application of Eldi Oel R (Eldi Oil R) for massages and packs (information provided by the seller, prefaced, translated & annotated by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2007)

Two times a day, i.e. morning and evening, rub Eldi Oil R into the skin of the whole body, a bit more intensely on the shoulders (armpits), breast and groin (where the lymphatic vessels are) as well as the problem areas, such as the breast, stomach, liver, etc.

Let the oil sit for about 15-20 minutes, then follow with a warm shower without using soap. Follow up with another shower, this time using a mild soap, and then rest for 15-20 minutes.

The purpose of the shower, once the body has been oiled and the Eldi Oil has penetrated the skin, is to allow the warm water to open the pores so the oil can penetrate the skin even more deeply. The second shower, where one washes with soap, cleanses the skin so that clothes and linen will not become overly soiled.

Always use the Eldi Oil R in conjunction with the Oil-Protein Diet (Budwig Diet) and do this consistently, even if at times it seems difficult. Over the long term, the Oil-Protein Diet combined with Eldi Oil can help overcome physical problems and illnesses.

Other types of Eldi oils

The Eldi Oils sold in small bottles of 95 ml are perfumed and like Eldi Oil R, only contain highly unsaturated fatty acids. They are too expensive for use on the entire body and are meant to be applied, for example, in the following ways:

Eldi Oel photo activ (photo active) only for the face.
Eldi Oel Rose for a woman’s body (rose oil).
Eldi Oel herb neu (tart new) for a man’s body (tart scent).
Eldi Oel H-activ (H-active) only for the breast region (heart) etc.

Eldi Oel balsamicum Salbei (balsamic sage) is exclusively for oil packs.

Instructions for applying Eldi Oil packs

Take a piece of pure cotton cloth. Cut to size to fit the body part, such as the knee. Soak the cotton, place on the knee etc., cover with a plastic sheet and wrap it up with an elastic bandage. Leave on overnight. Remove in the morning and wash the knee; repeat in the evening. Keep reapplying the same procedure for several weeks. You can also use Eldi Oil R for these local applications. The oil pack is only suitable for local problems (no metastases).

Instructions for using Eldi Oil R rectally as oil enema or infusion

Between 3 and 5 pm:
.......times daily......... for 1 week, then ....... times weekly

Heat ……….ccm Eldi Oil R in a bain-marie. Inject the lukewarm Eldi Oil via irrigator, enema syringe etc. Use long rubber tip if preferred. If possible, have the patient positioned with knees and elbows on the floor and buttocks slightly raised. When all the oil has been absorbed, have the patient first lie on their right side for c. 15 minutes and then on their left for another 15 minutes.

Note by experienced Budwig diet user: Dr. Budwig did not leave exact indications for the use of the enema (such as regarding any particular symptoms that suggested that the patient should use it) but it is assumed that the enema was mainly used in very severe situations where the patient could not eat flax oil/cottage cheese (quark). While Dr. Budwig did not give a precise description of the enema process, the following gives a guideline as to when and how to use them: Take about 250 ml (sigmoid colon level) of oil and retain it for a while to allow time for absorption. Use your own judgement as to frequency of application.

(Until 1968, when she started using straight Eldi Oil "R" for enemas, Dr. Budwig had used straight flaxseed oil in rectal applications).

Where to buy Eldi oils

The original provider of Eldi Oils worldwide was Mr. Bloching in Germany who was Dr. Budwig’s associate over several decades and who carried all products and books related to Dr. Budwig’s Oil-Protein Diet. He retired in December 2012. There are now a number of other providers including in the USA which you will find by doing a search for Eldi oils.

The most recommended source of Eldi oils (since guaranteed to be of highest quality and to be manufactured according to Dr Budwig's exact specifications) would be www.sensei.de/shop/ provided by Dr Johanna Budwig's student Lothar Hirneise. The shop is currently available in German only but seems to ship internationally upon request (enquiries to infoATsensei.de — please replace "AT" with the @ sign).

Tip: If you are waiting for your Eldi oil delivery after ordering, straight flax oil can be used for external applications in lieu of Eldi oil until the Eldi Oil arrives.

Make your own "alternative" Eldi oil and save money

You can also make your own "alternative" Eldi oil to save money as well as waiting time for the arrival of your order. Detailed instructions have been included in the new book "Budwig Diet — How To Get It Right — The Ultimate Guide" (April 2023). Written by German Budwig scholars Michael Bierschenk and Ulla Schmid to "fill in all the gaps", this guide for those who want to put all the chances of success with the Budwig Diet on their side is available as a Kindle ebook on Amazon and as a downloadable PDF.

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For the most comprehensive and authoritative English-language coverage worldwide of the oil-protein diet & protocol developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, see

... and for all the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer after studying the subject for some twenty years,

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