
On macrobiotics & cancer healing

by copyright Leonard (leonardleonard1 at

Many, many people have had miraculous recoveries from cancer from the macrobiotic diet (a number of examples can be found under "Related content" below). Other people reportedly have died in spite of it.

Macrobiotic diet reportedly works better with prostate (even if advanced with bone metastasis), pancreatic, breast, cervical, colon, liver, bone, and skin cancer than it does with leukemia, lymphoma, lung, ovarian, and testicular cancer.

However, it apparently often works very well with most, if not all, types of cancer, sometimes even if advanced and post-chemo/radiation. I suspect it's most effective with blood-type A's. It is one of the most cost-efficient cancer-healing diets. It promotes weight loss.

Macriobiotics consists mainly of cooked GRAINS (and vegetables). One of the Kushis [main proponents of the Macrobiotic diet in the west] told me the most valuable grains for cancer patients are BROWN RICE, barley, & millet.

If I had cancer and was following a macrobiotic diet, I would deviate from the diet in the following ways:

  1. Eat a little more low-glycemic fruit (particularly berries, peach/nectarine, apricot, apple, and grapes).
  2. Avoid gluten-containing grains (particularly nonsprouted wheat and rye) unless I'd been checked for gluten (and wheat) sensitivity and allergies.
  3. Take supplements.
  4. Avoid salt, even sea salt, and nonfermented soy (i.e., avoid soy foods except tempeh & natto: ...vegetables [e.g., sauercraut, tempeh] fermented [without vinegar] are exceptionally easy to digest and are extremely healthy and cancer-healing).
  5. Eat tons of asparagus and significant amounts of Alaskan salmon (for protein & omega-3).

Yin & yang foods & cancer types

Macrobiotics advises minimizing fruits, particularly fruit juice, citrus and tropical fruits, for "yin" cancers, which include leukemia, lymphoma, esophageal, skin, and outer brain cancers.

I don't know of any evidence (outside the macrobiotic community) supporting or refuting this claim, except that some of Gonzalez's work seems to support it[1]. I'm convinced it has some validity.

If I had a "yin" cancer, I would minimize strong yin foods (citrus & tropical fruits, pear, nightshades, banana, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, egg white, dairy, raw foods?).

If I had a "yang" cancer, I would minimize strong yang foods (mango, egg yoke, cinnamon, pepper, curry, chocolate, coffee, baked foods). Sympathetic-dominants are reportedly yang. For more info on the macrobiotic view of yin-yang, food, and cancer: (Wong)

For more info on macrobiotics,


Addenda by Healing Cancer Naturally

Make sure to use organic brown rice. Conventionally grown brown rice apparently is particularly laden with toxic residues such as pesticides.

Under Books: cancer victory thanks to the macrobiotic diet you'll find seven books written by former cancer patients who used the macrobiotic diet. They formerly suffered from breast, bone, ovarian (with liver, bone and lymphatic system metastases) pancreatic, lung, intestinal and prostate cancer as well as malignant melanoma, respectively.

Also compare the observations of a spiritual healer regarding the macrobiotic diet for patients under radiation treatments.

Finally, see studies such as Is there any research to prove that a macrobiotic diet can prevent or cure cancer? from September 2001 (here not even an abstract is made available — one has to wonder why) and The macrobiotic diet in cancer from November 2001.

Presumably the lack of scientific interest in this diet is due to the same flaw as that of other diets — it can't be patented.

Version française: Traiter le cancer avec la macrobiotique

... and for ALL the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, of New York was known for his nutritional approach to cancer. The Gonzalez Regimen consists inter alia of dietary restrictions incl. many fresh fruits and vegetables, supplementation with vitamins and large doses of pancreatic enzymes, and the use of coffee enemas. A practical example can be found under Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Healed Part 2: The Use of Proteolytic (Pancreatic) Enzyme Treatment.

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