Supplements & Herbs
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) oil
Cancer anecdotes
by copyright © 2016 Healing Cancer Naturally
Note: The following cancer cure reports are mere anecdotes and not to be construed as medical advice. Anyone applying the information for health or healing purposes does so at their own risk, see Disclaimer.
The German book on naturopathic healing Die Heilkunst von Morgen[1] inter alia reports the cases of two women who ascribed their healing from cancer mostly to whole-body massages with St. John's wort oil complemented by a number of detoxification measures.
One of these former cancer patients, Annemarie von Massenbach, had been the first to share her success with St. John's wort oil. Living in Canada at the time of her cancer diagnosis, her doctor had advised she rub her entire body with St. John's wort oil and use "milk diapers" or milk baths (two liters per bath) for detoxification (for more details see further below under "How to use St. John's wort oil against cancer". Annemarie's cancer healed completely and she went on to live many more years.
Inspired by her success, a woman named Anna Baur set out to heal her uterine cancer (presumably the same type of cancer as the one von Massenbach had suffered from) following a similar treatment plan.
Anna did submit to radical surgery (on 2 August 1977) followed by chemotherapy "since not all malignant cells could be removed", which treatment badly affected her white blood cell counts[2]. In April 1978 she decided to move the position of her bed away from the geopathic stress zone[3] it had been located on, and to disontinue the chemo sessions.
Following Annemarie von Massenbach's advice, Anna started massaging her entire body with St. John's wort oil as well as taking sunbaths[4]. For three months she only consumed raw organic food[5] and drank nettle[6] tea for detoxification.
She stopped using alkaline soap (except on her hands and hair) and after washing her body with clear water she rewashed herself with calendula tea allowing the skin to absorb the herb. Every second or third day she applied the "milk diaper" for detox.
Under this combination regime, her white blood cells gradually recovered, and so did she. At the (unspecified) time of reporting, her doctors could find no trace of cancer left in her body.
To somewhat counter the notion that the above testimonials should be simply disregarded as just more placebo-induced cancer remissions based on old-wives tales, Healing Cancer Naturally has compiled a list of scientific studies showing powerful cancer-related therapeutic qualities inherent in St. John's wort.
None of these studies is able to prove, of course, that the plant on its own will heal cancer nor that there is no placebo involved in the above anecdotal testimonials — but the gentle reader is reminded (if need be) that any medical or healing intervention brings into play the powerful placebo effect[7] to a smaller or larger degree.
How to use St. John's wort oil against cancer according to the book Heilkunst von Morgen
While the oil can be taken internally, for treating or preventing cancer it is massaged into the skin of the entire body which allows some of the oil's constituents to reach the blood and thus every cell. (Incidentally, the same effect is said to be achievable using oil of narrrow or broadleaf plantain [plantago]).
For one to three weeks (or until healing is achieved) the oil is being massaged once daily into the entire body, head to toe. To prevent staining the bedclothes, old socks and an old pyjama should be used.
It is imperative to simultaneously take some detoxification measures (the oil is thought to free toxins from the cells). While for detox von Massenbach's Canadian doctor only knew of milk baths (2 liters per bath), milk sitz baths (half a liter of milk in two to three liters of water, to take for six to eight minutes) or milk diapers (20 to 30 minutes using paper kitchen towels — probably mostly of interest in cases of uterine cancer) to be taken every other day, it appears likely that much simpler detox measures such as oil or water pulling would work just as well.
Additional measures to be taken are sun baths (making sure one's head is kept in the shade), air baths in warm air, light exercise in fresh air, eating raw unprocessed natural food, avoiding pork, marinades, smoked foodstuffs, white flour and sugar. Eat red beets grated with apples, and don't use normal soap but soap with a ph of 5.5.
Use calendula tea for washing, bathing and drinking (which is described as particularly healing, even for the bones). Include nettle tea, an important detoxifier and healing plant[6]. Shun all toxins that can be avoided.[8]
Heilkunst von Morgen recommends that everyone, not just cancer patients, avail themselves of the healing potential of St. John's wort oil. Use it for whole-body massages such as for one to three weeks on a daily or every two to three days basis, as well as for various complaints.
Making Saint John's wort oil at home
If you decide to produce your own oil (see How to make Saint John's wort oil yourself [according to Maria Treben]), you can look forward to (if nothing else :-) a body oil with a beautiful ruby red colour to adorn your bathroom shelves with.
Noted Austrian herbalist Maria Treben (who reaped resounding successes with cancer patients[9]) speaks with great love and admiration of the wide-ranging therapeutic potential of St. John's wort whether in the form of oil, tincture or tea. St. John's wort has indeed been scientifically confirmed to help with many complaints (also compare these Scientific research studies focusing on cancer).
A note of caution
St. John's wort is a powerful medicinal plant provided by nature. Interactions with manmade pharmaceutical drugs have been reported. Before deciding to use St. John's wort in tandem with ANY conventional drug treatment including chemotherapy, make sure to thoroughly research potential drug interactions.
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1 This monumental work whose title translates as "The Healing Arts of Tomorrow" is edited by Erika Herbst.
2 Chemotherapy has multiple serious side effects and in most cases not only does not work but further damages the body. See details under this site's Conventional Cancer Treatments section.
3 See explanations at Geopathic Stress & Cancer: Background and Remedies
4 Compare Light: Healing & Preventing Cancer and Other Diseases Using the Healing Power of Sun and Other Light. Natural light is an essential nutrient!
5 Compare Nutrition.
6 Stinging nettle is a powerful therapeutic plant in its own right and has itself successfully been used to cure cancer. See Stinging nettle medicinal effects, Stinging nettle (urtica dioica) cure testimonials and German physician successfully used stinging nettles for healing benign and malignant tumors.
7 For an example of just how powerful our minds can work in creating and healing cancer, see The Power of Belief (Placebo Effect). Also see the entire section Mind: Healing Cancer and the Power of Your Mind.
8 See Causes of Cancer and Detoxification.
9 See Maria Treben's "miracle" herbal cancer cures & treatment.
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