Ozone treatment

Ozone Home & Medical Uses (III)

Ozone application against viruses, gangrene et al. and the FDA

Part III of Ozone Home & Medical Uses, cont. from previous page;

Copyright © 2006 Healing Cancer Naturally


Medical Ozone has saved the lives of millions of people suffering from cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, herpes, hepatitis, and more. It has been used safely for over thirty years in Europe and countries throughout the world with remarkable results and the lowest level of side effects (.000005) of any medical treatment.[1]

Thousands of doctors are calling it the most significant medical development in the last one hundred years, but it is not available in the U.S. The fact that it is inexpensive to produce, easily administered, and difficult to patent (ozone is a naturally occurring substance) has made it far from promising to major pharmaceutical companies.

The FDA has barred it in the U.S. pending satisfaction of absurdly stringent research requirements. This has effectively created a medical blackout so thorough that most medical doctors have never heard of medical ozone. Others have ignored it, taking the FDA's lack of approval as a sign that the treatment is not worth their attention.

But perhaps the FDA is not the best judge. Pharmaceutical companies have representatives on nearly all FDA committees (and they provide a large percentage of medical school funding[2]). It only makes sense that they would not be supportive of something which may be very effective and undersell the industry. And medical ozone has proven to be very, very effective.
Compare FDA.


Ozone is simply an energized form of oxygen. It is created when electric or ultraviolet energy causes oxygen atoms to temporarily recombine in groups of three. The result is an unstable, highly reactive molecule that is quick to oxidize with other substances, such as bacteria or viruses.[3]

Ozone was first used commercially to purify water in Europe over one hundred years ago. It is still being used today in over two thousand cities around the world, including Paris, Montreal, Moscow and Los Angeles.[4] Oxygen and Ozone are bubbled through the water, killing bacteria and viruses, reducing odor and taste, and leaving the water purified and safe to drink. This process is analagous to treatment of human blood.

Ozone is typically used in medical treatment through one of two ways. The first is through rectal insufflation, in which the ozone is absorbed into the body through the major arteries in the colon. The second is through autohemotherapy. In this treatment, blood is drawn from the patient and has ozone bubbled through it. Within a few minutes the blood is returned to the patient. In both treatments, ozone is pulled directly into the blood and spreads quickly throughout the entire body.[5]

Once inside the body, the ozone attaches itself to diseased cells. Cells infected with a virus are already weakened because they are being used as a host by the parasitic disease. This weakening shows up as lowered levels of enzymatic activity in the cell wall, or "lipid envelope." This substandard protein coating is imbalanced and incomplete, and it is the perfect attractor for the extra oxygen present in medical ozone.

Once the ozone attaches itself to the infected cell, the two dissolve and are soon flushed from the system. Healthy cells are completely unaffected, and there is no residual toxicity.[6] Repeat treatments are often necessary because viruses seem to be more susceptible at different stages in their growth. As the ozone reaction winds down, a new one must be introduced to react with any viruses left over from the previous treatment.

Ozone has been used in this way to treat a variety of illnesses. Cancer is one such example. In 1966 Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg, Ph.D., discovered that cancer cells function best in the absence of oxygen. These cells live on fermentation rather than respiration.

The key precondition for the development of cancer is a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. In 1988 the peer reviewed American journal Science published laboratory evidence proving that ozone selectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

"The implications of this are enormous," says Dr. G. Wasser, Wasser Clinic, Duisburg, Germany: "Whenever you have a disease, systemic, or in an area for instance in your brain, there is a lack of oxygen, and oxygen is very vital. You can heal, for instance, brain stroke if you get the patient in the first forty-eight hours.

In one case a patient had a third stroke. The first and second were treated in a hospital without ozone, [and large scars were left on the brain]. The third was treated at home with ozone [and there was but a very small spot on the brain where the stroke occurred], and when a scar is that small after a brain stroke, the patients aren't paralyzed.

I can give you a table of brain strokes in the U.S. from 1971 to 1990. There were 50,097 brain strokes, two out of 1,000 died and 15% are so disabled they need total care around the clock. I can't extrapolate from my 40 patients, but in 40 patients no one is dead, no one is disabled, and there are no side effects. None."[7]

Similar achievements have been made with the AIDS virus. In 1988 Michael Carpendale, M.D. co-authored startling evidence presented at the AIDS Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. He said,

"We worked on the AIDS virus to try and see how quickly we could inactivate this, and at the same time compare it to what effect it had on a healthy white blood cell, and we found that we could produce an enormous inactivation of the virus, reducing it down from a million virions to no viruses at all at approximately four micrograms of ozone; and twice that dose had no adverse effect on the healthy white blood cells."

Another study conducted by the Anglo-American Research group was done under strict scientific protocol "over the border," where this research is legal. Five AIDS patients whose diseases were in a very advanced stage participated. Two of them "didn't have a T-4 (a blood cell used in the body to fight disease) between them."

The study lasted ten days, after which the patients were again tested at the University of Arizona and then went home with their doctor, who took with them equipment to continue treatment. The results were amazing: all of the patients are still alive and well except one, who has since died of T.B., which was not AIDS related.9

Ozone can also be used to treat many other viral and bacterial-related illnesses, such as herpes. It is reported that when an attack of herpes is in progress, daily treatments for 5–10 days usually causes complete disappearance of symptoms. If treatment continues for 4–6 weeks, whether the symptoms are present or not, the virus can be eradicated from the system.

This treatment has also been found to successfully treat hepatitis and even Alzheimer’s, in which ozonating the blood has been shown to precipitate the aluminum buildup, which is thought to be a factor in the disease. German doctors have had similar success with Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, and other nervous system diseases.

In addition to being bubbled through the blood, the treatment can be applied externally for burns, wounds, and other skin conditions. There are a host of applications available for ozone treatment, and many more remain to be discovered. All this begs the question: Why aren't we using it?


When Europeans came to the U.S. for the last summer Olympics, they refused to swim in the pool because the water was treated with chlorine. Chlorine has been linked to cancer. The Olympic committee invested thousands of dollars in order to have an ozone water purification system installed in the pool.

After the Olympics were over, the Committee had the ozone system torn out and the old chlorine system reinstalled. Chlorine is a big money maker for major U.S. pharmaceutical companies. These companies spend lots of advertising dollars for television coverage of events like the Olympics.

Ozone does for your body what it does for the pool. Ozone occurs naturally at the protective layer around the earth's surface, and is also produced when sunlight reacts with air pollution in our cities. Most scientific studies in North America have concentrated on the negative effects of breathing ozone. As a result, many doctors assume there is no medicinal use for it.

But for the last thirty years it has been used successfully to treat over 40 medical conditions, from gangrene to AIDS. In 1980, a German study surveyed more than one thousand therapists who had given more than five million ozone treatments. Ninety percent of the therapists reported the treatments effective. This study also revealed that ozone had one of the lowest levels of side effects (.000005) of any medical treatment.

What's more, the ozone appeared to sensitize the body to other medical treatments, allowing doctors to use up to half the amount of drugs they would usually use for treatment.

One of the ways in which companies have tried to profit from ozone is by patenting ozone technology. Medizone is one such company. "We filed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the sale of the drug produced by the equipment and its use in the treatment of AIDS" said Terrence McGrath, former Medizone president. "The FDA required that we carry out research to demonstrate its nontoxicity and likely efficacy, and that we have done."

The FDA is responsible for regulating all the drugs and medical devices marketed in the United States. It approved the use of AZT, which had been refused as a cancer drug due to its fatal toxicity prior to the AIDS pandemic. To date, the FDA has failed to approve any ozone equipment for medical use.

Many people feel the FDA is serving a vital purpose in protecting them from dangerous treatments. But Herbert L. Ley, Jr., M.D., former commissioner of the FDA has a different view: "People think the FDA is protecting them; it isn't. What the FDA is doing and what people think it is doing are as different as night and day."
Compare FDA.

Medizone has spent more than two million dollars on research at major medical centers to prove ozone's safety and effectiveness. But this has still not satisfied the FDA's requirement.

Conservative medicine demands double-blind studies, which are expensive and in some cases bordering on unethical. In a double-blind study, half the patients must receive a placebo in order to determine the effect of the actual treatment. This means that in order to determine if a treatment has an effect on AIDS patients, half of them must be told they are being given a cure when they are not. With a disease like AIDS, being given false treatment for a year is more than just a minor setback.

In Germany doctors are allowed to use ozone treatments, and no one is willing to put seriously ill patients through a double-blind. As Horst Kief, M.D. puts it "Perhaps in Germany we have treated no less than ten million people in the last forty years, maybe more. Now you have the biggest test with ten million people. What do you want more?"

It takes an average of eleven years for any new drug or treatment to be approved for marketing in the U.S..10 Medizone has been unable to fund a study since 1990 using large animals as required by the FDA before approval can be granted to test ozone therapy on humans.

"It's a little bewildering for us to understand the reluctance of many of the regulatory authorities to approve a clinical trial for a drug that has been on the European market the best part of twenty-five years," said Terrance McGrath in 1990.

"In the FDA, drug companies have representatives on nearly all the committees. If there is something which may be very effective and may undersell the average drug company, of course they are not going to be very pleased if it gets developed" said Michael Carpendale, M.D. "It might be very difficult for them to compete with that and ozone is obviously inexpensive to produce, and it is very potent; if it works even half as well as the Germans claim it does, everyone should be using it now."

"If somebody wants to get well I think his or her attitude will be, 'Why should I be confined to only one approach if that approach doesn't work; why am I not allowed to do anything else?'" says Arthur Levin, Ph.D, of the Health Policy Advisory Center of New York City.

"I think people want to have that freedom of choice and raise legitimate questions with the system about whether they should be told by the state in a sense that there is only one or two ways they should be treated. We have in a sense a sort of state-authorized religion of healing, which is a certain kind of medicine, and anything outside that is characterized as quackery."

Most public sector medical research is funded through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the U.S. This is a federal agency with an annual budget of more than two billion dollars, supporting research in more than two thousand American labs. The NIH has a mandate to investigate all promising treatments in the public interest. Since its discovery, hundreds of papers about ozone treatment have been submitted to the NIH. But to date no ozone research has been done.10

The mishandling and deliberate exclusion of research in the area of ozone treatments points to a state of conflict of interests in the U.S. health care system. While on the one hand it is important to be aware that treatments for such devastating diseases as cancer and AIDS do exist, it is equally important to address the disregard given these treatments.

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1. "Ozone and the Politics of Medicine: The True Story of a Medical Breakthrough," film by Geoffrey Rogers, Threshold Films, Inc.

2. Penthouse, January 1996

3. The Use of Ozone in Medicine, by Renate Viebahn, Karl F. Haug Publishers, Heidelberg, 1994.

4. Oxygen Healing Therapies, by Nathaniel Altman, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, 1995.

5. Dr. Hulda Clark Research Association drclark.net/info/ozone.htm., 8135 Engineer Road #2748, San Diego, CA. 92111, Tel. 1–800–220–3741, Fax 1–858–565–0058, info at drclark.net

6. Oxygen/Ozone generators/therapies and books (see number 8)

7. The International Association for Oxygen Therapy

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