
Faith healing, spontaneous remission of cancer and a "negative spirit"

Faith cures achieved under the evangelist ministry of Dr Willard Fuller

...it is highly unusual for any professional man to admit the existence of things beyond the knowledge of his profession.
Daniel W. Fry, Ph.D.

Introduction copyright © 2008 Healing Cancer Naturally

Faith healing to my knowledge boasts many, even instantaneous healings of various afflictions (which are not necessarily long-term, however, which latter statement of course also applies to many instances of conventional and alternative medical intervention).

While the "facilitators" of such healings may claim differently, an important "ingredient" in such miraculous cures frequently seem to be belief and faith. That is why there are a number of cancer cures which can at least partially be attributed to the power of the mind.

The following contains three cancer cure testimonials involving the ministry of Dr. Willard Fuller and are found in the book “Can GOD Fill Teeth? THE REAL FACTS ABOUT THE MIRACLE MINISTRY OF EVANGELIST WILLARD FULLER” by Daniel W. Fry, Ph.D.[1]

This awe-inspiring book, available for free download, shows that what can only be called true miracles are a reality and that something very real but not discernible by our five senses exists and is able to powerfully shape our experience.

While the three sample real-life cancer healing stories featured below furnish remarkable testimonies to the healing power of mind and spirit, I include them here for the additional, particular reason that the third case shows an element which may sometimes or often be neglected, that of a "negative spirit" (which might of course be of the patient's own making) which if left unaddressed might have been the basic cause of the patient’s demise from cancer.

Interestingly, "spirit involvement" is thought to be a possible factor in cancer genesis in some circles. One of those having found such a connection is a spiritual healer from the UK. This site features two articles written by him on the subject of general healing.[2]

Three spontaneous cancer cures realized by the ministry of Dr Willard Fuller


Cancer cure case 1

978 Sonoma Avenue, North Sacramento, California November 22, 1966


For many months I have had a cancer on the side of my nose. Four months had been spent in various kinds of treatments. Then my doctors, Dr. Carleton C. Wright and Dr. S.J. Smiley, 3701 “J” Street, Sacramento, said that it would have to have radium. They gave me radium treatments every day for a month and told me to come back to the clinic six months later.

Five months went by and the cancer was still spreading. An appointment was made for me to go back to the clinic to start the radium treatments again.

In the meantime I heard about the Evangelist Willard Fuller (I was told that he lays hands on people and that God heals them) conducting a revival at the Guiding Light Tabernacle in North Sacramento.

I attended his services and on Nov. 13 he prayed for me. Immediately I was healed and went back to my doctors, for them to look at it.

Thank God for the healing. Thank God that I know it is healed. The doctors have confirmed it.

And thank God for men of faith like Brother Fuller that God can work through.

Grace Tessmer

Cancer cure case 2

Daytona Beach, Florida April 3, 1968

God miraculously healed my whole body. I have had a bad heart condition for the past ten years in addition to cancer and kidney condition for years. I feel like a new person. I cannot praise the Lord enough.

Author’s Note: This woman healed of cancer and heart trouble in one night. The doctors said she was fine.

Cancer cure case 3

(Dr. Fry writes in his introduction to this case:) ... [The] spirit of discernment is highly practical in knowing the right approach to pray for healing. And it answers questions about why there are so many snags in the prayer-for-healing realm. Extenuating circumstances are not perceived by the naked eye. The gift to discern what the real trouble is that prevents the perfect adjustment is a valuable one. An excellent example of this is found in this following testimony.

Brother Fuller was asked to accompany a minister to the home of one of his parish members. A woman had been a victim of cancer for two years. This cancer was an external one, called by some a “rose cancer.” It was a growth on her left cheek that was large, wet, and with a vile odor. This cancer was slowly taking the woman’s life. At this stage she was given a few weeks to live.

Her family was in the house with her, caring for her. The daughter disclosed that the mother had not been outside the house in over a year and had been confined to her bed for several months with no incentive to get up. Everything about the house and the woman’s bedroom was dark and dreary. There were flowers about the room that had started to wilt. The shades were drawn and the woman was slumped back in the bed in a listless attitude.

Brother Fuller tried to talk with her and read a few passages of power scripture out of the Bible, but the woman gave no sign of awareness. The pastor explained that he had prayed for her, that many churches had prayed for her and that every evangelist that ever came to town since this woman’s illness had been in to pray for her. But she grew progressively worse. There seemed to be no penetration to her mind. Yet everyone kept trying.

The pastor asked Brother Fuller to go ahead and pray for her healing seeing that there was no response from the woman. Brother Fuller started to ask a healing for her and found that he couldn’t. He discerned that she would not be healed.

She was possessed with a spirit of self-pity. Her whole family around her were under the influence of a self-pity spirit that left them with no real hope in God or healing or prayer or anything. Misery and defeat dominated the atmosphere.

With this insight, he touched her head and spoke in a strong, commanding voice. He demanded that this woman be released from the hold of this obsession. He demanded that she be set free from the bonds of this destructive spirit of self-pity.

In a flash this woman’s head moved under the pressure of his hand and her eyes lost their glazed stare. She turned to look straight into Brother Fuller’s eyes and she smiled.

At that moment, the evangelist moved into a prayer for her healing, thanking God for her release from this oppression and thanking God for her complete recovery. He had a witness within his heart that this woman would definitely recover. She got out of bed within a few minutes. The next day she was walking outside in her garden. The cancer started to dry up. In thirty days it dropped away leaving a tiny scar the size of a pencil eraser.

Some quotes & messages by Dr. Willard Fuller

“We walk in the atmosphere of our own believing.”

“Energy, all is energy. And energy is manipulated by Spirit. When we get in tune with God, the greatest of all spirits, then we have a power to change the environment around us.”

“Can you not see the high calling in Christ Jesus? First, that you be born again, let Christ come in — ‘Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.’ Be filled with the Holy Spirit, let the Spirit of God envelop and control you, have the regenerated Spirit of Christ within you. Then yield the soul to the regenerated spirit. Finally, yield the body to the already yielded soul. You will then have the three-fold man, spirit, soul, and body, walking in the path in which God would have him to walk. This is the high calling in Christ Jesus.”

“Nothing but total and complete dedication to God will suffice!”

“Let us go on…unto perfection.” (Hebrews 6:1)


1 (From the Editor’s Note:) Dr. Daniel W. Fry is an internationally-known scientist, researcher and electronics engineer who is recognized by many as the best informed scientist in the world on the subject of space and space travel.

He is known by millions of people all over the United States, Canada and Europe for his lectures and appearances on hundreds of radio and television stations.

Dr. Fry holds a Ph.D. from St. Andrews College of London, England. His learned thesis, “Steps to the Stars” was the basis upon which his doctorate was granted. And he is a charter member of NICAP (the National Investigating Committee on Aerial Phenomena), Washington, D.C. He is the author of several important books in the field of physics and outer space and he has been listed in “Who’s Who of the West” since 1961. He is also the International President of Understanding, Inc.

While Dr. Fry was Vice-President in charge of research at Crescent Engineering and Research, Dr. Fry was employed by the Aerojet General Corporation. He worked for Aerojet at the White Sands Proving Grounds near Las Cruces, New Mexico where he was in charge of design and installation of instruments for missile control and guidance. And he was employed by the California Institute of Technology as a consultant.

2 See A simple but powerful self-healing technique and Guided imagery: two simple but powerful meditations/visualizations.

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