Supplements & Herbs

On Natural Zeolites as an Adjuvant in Anticancer Therapy

and a detoxifier for heavy metals, pesticides and other toxins

Beware of MLM-marketed "liquid zeolite" supplement.

Copyright © 2006 & 2011 Healing Cancer Naturally

Zeolites (an extended family of naturally occurring minerals, see glossary definition, also produced in synthetic form) have been used to clean up water contaminated with radioactivity and similar pollutions as well as to chelate various environmental and other toxins from the human body.

More specifically, it is the mineral clinoptilolite, a common member of the zeolite family, that was used for instance to “mop up” radioactive pollutants in Chernobyl [see clinoptilolite definition] and appears to be the form beneficial for human consumption.

Thanks to their "open" molecular structure and negative charge, zeolites act as a cage trapping particles such as positively charged heavy metals and pesticides and then excreting them via the body’s natural elimination channels[1]. Zeolites are considered safe.

Natural clinoptilolite, mechanically treated ("micronized") to obtain a powder containing small- or nano-sized particles, has been scientifically studied for anti-cancer effects after evidence had indicated that zeolites play an important part in regulating the immune system.

As a result, zeolites have been suggested as an adjuvant in anticancer therapy as published by the Journal of Molecular Medicine in 2001 (details see below).

Note: The authors of various studies using finely ground zeolite-clinoptilolite powder have referred to the substance using different terms apparently all meaning the same, such as "tribomechanically activated zeolite (clinoptilolite)" or "TMAZ" (because the powder is obtained by tribomechanical micronization), "micronized zeolite" (MZ), or "activated (zeolite) clinoptilolite" (AC).

Anticancer effect of finely ground "micronized" zeolites (natural clinoptilolite powder): successful in-vitro tissue culture experiments studying the proliferation of several human cancer cell lines[2]

Experiments performed on human tissue cultures indicate that treatment with zeolite clinoptilolite powder affects the proliferation and survival of various cancer cell lines (i.e. inhibits/blocks the growth of these cancer cells). Adding powdered zeolite clinoptilolite inhibited cancer cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. The powder's observed mechanisms of action included: induction of inhibitors of cycline-dependent kinases, inhibition of B/Akt expression, modification of intracellular signaling pathways resulting in inhibition of survival signals and induction of tumor suppressor genes/proteins expression, as well as induction of programmed cell death.

Animal experimentation: zeolite clinoptilolite powder fights tumors and improves overall health status

Animal experiments[3] have provided evidence that beyond the positive results already obtained in human cell cultures, orally administered natural clinoptilolite is equally useful and non-toxic in the treatment of certain animals with cancer (clinoptilolite treatment of mice and rats suffering from a variety of tumors resulted in improvement in general health, extension of lifespan, and reduction in tumor size, with no negative effects observed).

While animal experimentation results do not necessarily translate into the same results in humans (in fact they frequently don't), interestingly, a number of dogs with spontaneous tumors (i.e. not artificially induced in the laboratory) greatly benefitted from treatment with finely ground clinoptilolite as well (see Dogs' cancer cure testimonials involving finely ground zeolites).

Results in humans: dramatic successes with final-stage cancer patients

See Terminal cancer remissions thanks to tribomechanically activated zeolites: 5-months study shows brain cancer, lung cancer, gastro-intestinal cancer improved or healed, as well as More terminal cancer patients experiencing remission thanks to zeolites: observational studies show dramatic successes in prostate cancer, terminal kidney cancer, lung cancer and malignant melanoma.

More information on zeolites (clinoptilolite powder) and where you can buy quality zeolite powder

Before shopping for a zeolite product, be aware of the following points:

1 There are different qualities available, with the most significant differences residing in the fineness of the grind and the exact composition of the raw material. The finer the grind, the higher the ability of the zeolite to absorb toxins and heavy metals.

2 Only zeolite in micronized powder form has been scientifically shown to be effective.

3 There is no such thing as "liquid" zeolite. Any liquid formula is nothing but powdered zeolite suspended in a liquid such as water, humic acid, etc. In spite of this, there is a hugely overpriced MLM-marketed product sold with multiple false claims which can justly be called the "liquid zeolite scam".

4 In the USA, Micah Portney is the original zeolite pioneer marketing the type of natural zeolite powder shown effective in scientific studies, All of his products for detoxification and other health and healing purposes, ranging from pure zeolite clinoptilolite powder to combination preparations, use this type of natural zeolite powder exclusively.

You can buy Micah Portney's "Zeolite pure" (400 grams) at (Amazon associate link — commissions earned — the easiest way to support this humanitarian site at no extra cost to you).

PS. While I have read that calcium and essential minerals are too light to become trapped within zeolite’s molecular structure, there is a synthetic form of zeolite, however, called zeolite A which seems to possess a strong ability to take up calcium, with “over 500,000 tons per year being used in household detergents (liquid and powder) as a builder to soften wash water”. (according to James F. Hurlbut, RMFMS Mineral Technical Chair)

In fact zeolite clinoptilolite powder provides minerals and trace elements to the body thanks to ion exchange (as stated for instance by Professor Karl Hecht, author of three books on the subject, one of them available in English).


from © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Any member of a family of hydrated aluminosilicate minerals that contain alkali and alkaline-earth metals. The zeolites are noted for their lability toward ion-exchange and reversible dehydration. They have a framework structure that encloses interconnected cavities occupied by large metal cations (positively charged ions) and water molecules.

The essential structural feature of a zeolite is a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which each oxygen atom is shared by two tetrahedra. If all tetrahedra contained silicon the framework would be neutral; substitution of aluminum for silicon creates a charge imbalance and requires other metal ions to be present in relatively large cavities of the framework.

In naturally occurring zeolites these metal ions are typically mono- or di-valent ions such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and barium. Zeolites are similar to feldspar minerals except that cavities are larger in zeolites and water is generally present. Structurally, zeolites are classified by the types of structural units that compose the framework, such as rings or polyhedra types. The cavities formed by the framework units have diameters ranging from about 2 to 8 angstroms, which permits relatively easy movement of ions between cavities.

This ease of movement of ions and water within the framework allows reversible dehydration and cation exchange, properties which vary considerably with chemical and structural differences. Dehydration character varies with the way water is bound in the structure. For those zeolites in which water is tightly bound, dehydration occurs at relatively high temperatures; by contrast, in certain zeolites with large cavities, some of the water can be released at low temperatures. The rate of ion exchange depends on the size and connections between cavities. Some ions are excluded because of specific structural properties.

Zeolite properties are exploited through commercial production of zeolites with particular structural and chemical features. Some commercial uses include separation of hydrocarbons, such as in petroleum refining; drying of gases and liquids; and pollution control by selective molecular adsorption.

Natural zeolites occur in basic volcanic rocks as cavity fillings, probably as a result of deposition by fluids or vapours. In sedimentary rocks zeolites occur as alteration products of volcanic glass and serve as cementing material in detrital rocks; they also are found in chemical sedimentary rocks of marine origin. Extensive deposits of zeolites occur in all oceans. Metamorphic rocks contain a sequence of zeolite minerals useful for assigning relative metamorphic grade; these minerals form at the expense of feldspars and volcanic glass.


from © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

A hydrated alkali aluminosilicate that is one of the most abundant minerals in the zeolite family. Its structure consists of an outer framework of silica and alumina tetrahedra, within which water molecules and exchangeable cations (e.g., calcium, potassium, sodium) migrate freely. Although clinoptilolite's chemical formula varies with composition, a typical representation is given by (Na2,K2,Ca)3Al6Si30O7224H2O.

Clinoptilolite's structure closely resembles that of heulandite, another zeolite mineral, but contains a higher proportion of silica and alkalies. Clinoptilolite is somewhat soft and forms platy, nearly transparent crystals of monoclinic symmetry. It is typically colourless in thin sections, but other colours (e.g., brown, pink, red) may occur owing to the presence of impurities such as iron oxide. The dehydrated mineral has the properties of a molecular sieve that selectively extracts nitrogen from a stream of air, leaving the effluent enriched in oxygen. As an ion exchanger, clinoptilolite has been used to remove cesium and strontium from radioactive wastes produced in reprocessing nuclear fuels and to remove ammonia from sewage streams. The mineral is also used as a filler and bulking agent in the manufacture of paper.

Clinoptilolite can be found in many zeolitic sedimentary rocks; in the compacted deposits of volcanic ash commonly called tuffs; as a by-product of the weathering of basalt; and in some shale deposits. Its sites of occurrence include Oregon, South Dakota, and Wyoming, U.S.; New Zealand; New South Wales, Australia; the Faroe Islands; and Bombay, India.

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1 Details under Zeolite powder for effective heavy metal chelation: study shows powdered zeolite far superior to other zeolite-clinoptilolite preparations for detoxifying toxic metals.

2 Summarized from the scientific research paper by Krešimir Pavelic, MD, PH.D, 2001: "Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy”. You can click here to read the scholarly article in pdf format.

3 Animal testing is not endorsed by Healing Cancer Naturally, see Cancer Research, Toxicity Testing & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?.

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