Budwig Diet

Testimonials of brain cancer healed thanks to flaxoil & cottage cheese

Adenoma/Glioblastoma multiforme/Anaplastic astrocytoma/Glioma cured

This oil-protein cure shows a highly surprising effect with brain tumors, for instance with neoplasms located in the lateral ventricle. What generally happens in such cases is that the tumor will be visibly excreted via the throat and nasal passages, perceptible to both patient and carers. If the dietary and other principles stipulated herein continue to be adhered to, there will be no further tumors or metastases.
Dr. Johanna Budwig in her last book Cancer — The Problem and the Solution
translated by © Healing Cancer Naturally

Brain cancer cures involving Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Diet & Protocol

Compiled, edited & annotated by Healing Cancer Naturally from testimonials submitted to two alternative cancer treatment & health discussion boards & to Cliff Beckwith.

Brain Cancer — Adenoma

Sun Nov 30, 2003
I [know] a man in Canada who was a direct patient of Dr. Budwig. His condition was advanced with a tumor in his head called adenoma. His vision was already affected so that he could not recognize the color red anymore.

He went to Germany to see Dr. Budwig in October 1997, came back to Canada and began his treatment. He followed her regimen exactly. Two weeks later he began feeling better. Three weeks later his vision began to improve. A few months later he had the feeling that the tumor was gone.

Sometime after that it was confirmed by an independent medical examination. He is well and active and runs his own business. He is still following the Budwig regimen except not quite as strict as before.

The beauty of Dr. Budwig's protocol is that it is effective against a wide variety of cancers, perhaps all of them — even leukemia. I have not heard of any exclusions.

Glioblastoma Multiforme IV (1)

Sep 4, 2002
On February 10th 2002 I brought my husband to the emergency room with a splitting headache and projectile vomiting. We thought it was a bad migraine but later found out that it was a brain tumor. On February 12th he had surgery and the surgeon told us and the lab work later confirmed that he had a Glioblastoma Multiforme IV. It is the most deadly and fast moving brain tumor you can have.

The surgeon removed all of the tumor he could see. The doctor told our family that Tom had about 26 weeks to live if he didn’t take any radiation and if he did take radiation it might give him a year. Tom was in the hospital for eight days.

We were not sure what to do so we took the doctor’s referral and went to radiation about a week after he got out of the hospital. Tom only took five days of radiation and it made him feel terrible, and sapped all of his energy.

We are Christians and knew that we needed to seek the Lord’s guidance in this crisis. So we went to our Church and had Tom anointed with oil and hands laid on in prayer by the elders of the Church (Christian Bible, KJV, James 5:14).

After that some friends came forward and told us of some alternative ways people were fighting and winning the battle against cancer. Since the doctors did not hold out any hope we decided to throw our lot in with the holistic treatments and did not take any more radiation. We started the holistic regimen in March.

Tom’s three month MRI looked good, his brain was clean and the hole where they removed the tumor was empty except for a tiny line around a portion of the inside of the hole. The doctor said that it could be scar tissue, a benign bit of tumor or a regrowth of the Glioblastoma.

At the six month MRI his brain was completely clean. There was no cancer at all. The doctor said that it was a miracle. In 14 years of practice he had not seen anything like it.

This is what we did:

Take 1/4 cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese and mix it with 1 tablespoon Flaxseed oil and eat it twice a day.
Take Three 750 mg Shark Cartilage capsules three times a day
Take a Borage Oil and CoQ10 supplement
Drink plenty of water
Try to get light exercise like walking[1]
Get some sunlight
I also eat flax oil/cottage cheese twice a day with my husband. I'm trying to get my kids to eat it too.

Tom walks at least 4 miles a day now and has started lifting weights too.[1]
We are having good results with the flax oil/cottage cheese, and will keep it up for the rest of our lives. — Kelly

For the first three months I also rubbed Frankincense on his head because it is supposed to have anti-tumor properties.

After doing more research and talking to more people we added some things to our regimen after the first three months. He started using an extract of a Brazilian fruit plant called Graviola (3 drops twice a day). We also added the AIM Garden Trio twice a day to build up Tom’s health. Our whole family tries to take at least one AIM Garden Trio a day now.

Tom did not go vegetarian, but we did cut back on meat and sugar. We follow the biblical eating laws and do not eat any pork or unclean fish. It makes it harder for your body to fight cancer if you put unclean and artificial things into it. We think artificial sweetener caused Tom’s cancer. He used to drink at least 2 liters a day of diet soda. Go to www.dorway.com for more info. [Also see Cancer Causes: Aspartame.]

Dec 6, 2002
We just got back from the doctor, Tom's 9 month MRI was clear, No Cancer! Back in February Tom was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade IV Brain Tumor.

Jan 2, 2003
I've made a little website with my husband's testimony on it. Flax oil/cottage cheese was central to his holistic treatment. He had a Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme. If you would like to check it out go to www.flaxoflife.com Thanks — Kelly

Mar 20, 2003: Tom's 12 Month MRI Report
We just got Tom's 12 month MRI Report today. Tom is still cancer-free, no sign of brain cancer. The doctor said it is a miracle. We are praising the Lord for his blessings! The doc said for the next year he will have to go every four months for an MRI. We continue to take our flax oil and cottage cheese. Thanks to everyone on the list — Kelly www.flaxoflife.com

Jul 28, 2003: Update on Tom's 16 month MRI
We just got the results from Tom's 16 month MRI. He is still GBM (aggressive brain cancer) free; we still follow a holistic regimen, flax oil and cottage cheese every day, and have opted out of the conventional treatments. — Kelly & Tom

Glioblastoma multiforme (2)

Some of you may have been aware of the fact that I have been treating cancer patients where I live which is Israel.

I would like to share with you two very encouraging accounts of patients of mine with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).

GBM is considered the most aggressive type of brain cancer.

The first patient, who is in his mid-60s was diagnosed 6 months ago. He and his family decided to use integrative treatments, i.e. both conventional and alternative.

His daughter came to me several days before he started a difficult 30 day protocol which combined temodal and radiation (on the same days).

I advised on an anti-cancer diet which included flax oil/cottage cheese/flaxseeds (4 tbs of oil a day) as well as some specific supplements.

When he began the session he was in a wheelchair and experienced cognitive difficulties.

He hardly suffered any side effects from his conventional protocol. His condition improved by the day.

An MRI taken shortly afterwards showed no tumor, and only something small which the doctors believed was a necrotic scar.

His current treatment includes a one week on and two weeks off on temodal as well as the alternative protocol which I slightly adjusted.

He of course continues religiously with the flax oil/cottage cheese/freshly ground flaxseeds.

His motor skills are almost back to normal. He has recently started reading books, writing, and is just about to start driving his wife's car (his car was sold before treatment started as the family did not imagine he would ever use it again).

A second MRI which was taken 5 days ago showed no change from the previous one.

I have no doubts whatsoever that the use of Budwig's flax oil/cottage cheese/flaxseeds has had more than an instrumental part in his recovery.

Glioblastoma multiforme (3)

The second patient:

On a Thursday night five weeks ago, I received an urgent phone call from a guy who wanted to see me urgently.

I met with him the next day (Friday morning).

He told me that his father (54 years of age) was diagnosed 3 weeks earlier with GBM. "Three days ago", he continued, "my Dad's condition suddenly deteriorated and we rushed him to the hospital. currently he is in a hospital bed, and can not move half his body. He has bad edema in his brain, can hardly eat, and is unable to talk.

The doctors are extremely pessimistic. They say that all they can do is to try and reduce the edema using some radiation and decadron".

(Later, I found out his doctor made an error with the prescription. He only gave him half the amount of decadron he was supposed to get. Boy was I happy I gave him 2.4 grams of Boswellia to take).

"The doctors", the son said, "don't think he will ever make it out of this grave condition which he is in, and say his days are numbered".

He asked me if I thought anything could be done, and if there was any hope at all, to which I replied that all we could do is try.

I advised him to immediately give his Dad flax oil/cottage cheese/flaxseeds and some supplements, and since his father could hardly take in any food I asked him to make sure that after thoroughly mixing the oil and cottage cheese in the blender to also blend in the fruit and the ground [flax] seeds. The idea was to make this for him as a shake, which he could then drink using a straw.

I had not heard from the son for two and a half weeks, and decided to give him a call to find out how his father was doing. He did not answer my call, so I left a message on his voice mail, asking him to please call me back and update me on his father's condition.

Since he did not call back I decided to try reaching him again the following day. To be quite frank, I was worried that the worst might have happened. Again he did not answer my call and I left a message.

The following day he finally called me back. "How is your father", I asked. "Dad is fine, thank God", he replied. "He’s been out of the hospital since about five days ago". We immediately started him on the Budwig protocol. It seems to have worked right away. His appetite grew stronger by the day until eventually, after 8 days or so, he was taking 4 tbs of oil. He is walking (although still dragging one of his legs a bit), started talking and all in all is feeling much stronger.

The doctors are so amazed at what they have seen that they are filling their mouths with water, sort of speech, and are feeling a bit embarrassed.

Two days ago when I called again, I was told that his condition has been improving by the day, including his motor skills and speech.

The family is ecstatic and filled with joy to have him back.

In this case as well, despite the fact that there was also use of supplements as well as radiation treatment, I am absolutely sure that the element most responsible for the dramatic turn of events was the Budwig protocol. It kicked in right away and did a wonderful job.

Thank you, Johanna Budwig!!!

Also compare Healing testimonial: recovery from a “terminal” GBM IV brain tumor diagnosis using a nutritional-holistic approach.

Anaplastic astrocytoma

Last January I was diagnosed with a grade 3 brain tumor (a 6 cm anaplastic astrocytoma in my right occipital lobe). While undergoing conventional therapy of 33 sessions of radiation concurrent with Temodar, I read about flax oil blended with cottage cheese and decided to give it a try.

On June 16 and Aug 18 I had clear MRIs. [Addendum:] Two weeks ago I went to a fund-raiser for brain tumor research at the University of Wisconsin, and told my experience to a man who checks on a 91 year old uncle living alone. He said that his uncle was diagnosed with melanoma 50 years ago, and was only given 6 months to live. His uncle started on flax oil mixed with cottage cheese, as well as essiac tea, and is still going strong! I can get his contact information if it would be helpful.
Kris Brekke


Dec 18, 2005
My daughter was diagnosed with Glioma which is a cancerous brain tumor. The doctors did not prescribe chemo or radiation. They said there was no hope. That was in early June. 3 weeks after starting the Budwig diet she started to get better. We are now in the process of transferring her out of a terminally ill center into a physical therapy center. The doctor has said it's a miracle. And he is now going to try his first patient on it. Don't give up. The doctors had no hope for her. We had nothing to lose. Most importantly pray.

Compare "Mercury detoxification" below.

If you want to be certain to do the Budwig Diet right

and put all the chances of success on your side, the new book "Budwig Diet — How To Get It Right — The Ultimate Guide" will guide you every step of the way. Published on Amazon as a Kindle and a paperback, it is also available as a downloadable PDF at a discount.

Addenda by © Healing Cancer Naturally

Notes on radiotherapy for brain cancer and whole-brain radiation "therapy"

Eminent conventional cancer treatment whistleblower and author Ralph Moss PhD reports a personal conversation he had with a brain cancer specialist who told him that he would never submit to radiation if he had a brain tumor. When the startled Moss enquired whether he still sent patients for radiotherapy the reply was that of course he did since he'd "be drummed out of the hospital if he didn't".

For additional very important caveats, see Potential Serious Side Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatment (scroll to Whole-brain radiation therapy "risks").

Herbal tips and approaches

Aloe cancer cure: an impressive native cancer therapy & prevention formula mainly consisting of aloe and honey apparently has helped to cure many types of cancer incl. brain/cerebellum (also children's brain tumors). Also see Tips for brain cancer patients considering the Gerson and other therapies.

Apán healing mushroom: an amazing herbal formula owed to Native American Tribes of the Columbia River basin showing sensational results including for brain cancer.

Cannabinoid oil brain cancer cure (1): a short interview with Dr William Courtney of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine, a former skeptic, shown at www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6iba3sEUIg . Dr Courtney presents the case of.an eight month old "miracle" baby with a massive inoperable brain tumor which was reduced to zero within four months thanks to a "pacifier lollipop.with cannabinoid oil" given twice daily.

Cannabinoid oil brain cancer cure (2): a two-year old boy diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor of which surgery managed to remove about ten percent. He then received three rounds of chemo, stem cell rescue, and another three rounds of high-dose chemo. He suffered with vomiting, seizures, septic shock, received multiple pain drugs, and ate no food for forty days, vomiting up to ten times a day.

Many times, the boy nearly died, until his father decided to brave the law and give his dying son cannabis oil which he administered through his feeding tube. Result: almost immediate improvement, with the boy starting to eat again. At the time of reporting — shortly before the son's third birthday — the child was declared cancer-free (see www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmviQBB5DHs ).

Cannabis leaves, raw: a 2-year-old baby with "terminal" brain tumors who had been treated with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and whose tumors continued to grow and multiply was "sent home to die". The parents gave it a shotglassful of juiced raw cannabis leaves daily, and the child seems to be healed (this story is part of the "Leaf" documentary shown at www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa0nLdVJiIg and starts at 7:57).

For videos on medical marijuana as a cure for cancer, see Free cancer cure videos.


A number of remarkable cases of apparently cured end-stage brain tumors are reported in Terminal cancer remissions thanks to tribomechanically activated zeolites (finely ground clinoptilolite powder) supplementation.

Spiritual approaches

See "Celebrating with the Angels: My Life Transformed" (inspiring book telling the real-life story of a complete brain tumor healing) and Defining spiritual growth experience: how Jay D Allen’s diagnosis of ‘terminal’ brain cancer turned him into a survivor and spiritual teacher.

Mercury detoxification and brain cancer survival

In one of his lectures held in Europe, holistic physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD who specializes in heavy-metal detoxification (particularly mercury since it is considered the most dangerous and "pivotal" of the heavy metals) mentioned among other healings brain cancer successes achieved via mercury detoxification. He uses kinesiological muscle testing to check for mercury contamination and to determine the best way to proceed.

According to Dr. Klinghardt, by implementing his detox protocol[2] with brain tumors, epilepsy disappeared after a few weeks and the tumor was frequently reduced to half its previous size as early as three months into the protocol.

Dr. Klinghardt also quoted a study done by Merchant/Rice/Young in which chlorella pyrenoidosa was given to patients with malignant glioma, resulting in amazing improvement in survival rates.[3]

Ketogenic diet

The page On the anti-cancer effects of a low-calorie and/or ketogenic diet (new research into cancer as a metabolic disease) includes a successfully treated case of astrocytoma in a child.


You may also wish to take a look at homeopathic remedies such as Ruta 6 for brain tumors since the available data on Ruta 6 reportedly is promising and homeopathy is a truly amazing “energetic” healing tool.

Dr. Budwig herself was in favour of combining homeopathy with her protocol. She writes in her book Der Tod des Tumors [The Death of the Tumor, yet untranslated] about the use of other therapies:

"Everyone should do what they can... ... What I recommend? ... I usually reply: hyperthermia, hypothermia[4], homeopathy, phytotherapy, even psychotherapy, or sometimes — depending on the situation — even surgical intervention. However, anything that slows the natural functions of life such as barbiturates and analgesics must be avoided to the extent possible.

In addition to the oil-protein diet, the natural rhythm of life's processes, in waking and sleeping, as well as moving in fresh air[5] is very important, as it reestablishes the cytodynamics in a natural fashion.”

More details can be read in On complementary therapies & treatment modalities compatible with Dr. Budwig’s protocol.

Remember that generally speaking homeopathy is prescribed person-specific, not disease-specific (generic), so it's important to find a good practitioner who will be able to determine the best remedy for your individual case.[6]

On pesticides & brain cancer link

French researchers apparently found a link between exposure to pesticides and a slightly higher risk of brain tumors, especially glioma (study published by the British Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in June 2007). This not only concerned farmworkers in conventional agriculture professionally exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals, but also home gardeners treating house plants with pesticides.

While I was unable to find the above study on PubMed, the official biomedical database publishing only scientifically validated research, I did find another pertinent study on PubMed: "Occupational exposure to pesticides and risk of adult brain tumors" published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2008.

This study found no link between exposure to insecticides or herbicides and glioma but "women who reported ever using herbicides had a significantly increased risk for meningioma compared with women who never used herbicides ... and there were significant trends of increasing risk with increasing years of herbicide exposure ... and increasing cumulative exposure.[7]

According to Lynne Eldridge M.D., “Previous studies on home and garden pesticides have shown up to a seven-fold increase in the risk of cancer in children exposed to home and garden pesticides.

.... On the reverse side, the EPA has ranked indoor air 4th in environmental causes of cancer. According to research from NASA, having houseplants, especially those such as ficus, fern, palm and spider plants, can lower indoor air carcinogens to a significant degree.” Compare Nature’s most efficient air purifier.

EMFs, technopathic and geopathic stress

As with all cancers, the reader is strongly advised to check their environment, particularly their bed and workplace, for man-made and other electromagnetic pollution and any type of geopathic stress and take remedial action as required. Also see Mobile Phones, Electro Magnetic Radiation [EMR] & Children’s Brain Cancer (adults using cellular or cordless phones have a high risk of brain tumors as well) and Electromagnetic fields and radiation: critical protection and avoidance measures.

...and finally, for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 Scientific research studies show a protective effects of physical activity on cancer incidence, risk & mortality, see On cancer prevention and exercise.

2 Dr Klinghardt's mercury detox protocol inter alia includes ingestion of chlorella algae powder or tablets, specific herbs and in certain cases the injection of a chemical chelating agent). This detox program presumably should only be done under a specially trained doctor’s supervision (mercury is not to be trifled with!).

Compare On Effective Holistic Heavy Metal Chelation: definitions, diagnosis, neurotoxins, heavy metal toxicity & symptoms, risk factors, detox methods & side effects, natural chelation agents, secondary infections, etc.

3 Merchant RE, Rice CD, Young HF: Dietary Chlorella pyrenoidosa for patients with malignant glioma: effects on immunocompetence, quality of life and survival. Published in Phytotherapy Research, 1990;4:220–31.

For related information and background see On cancer tumors as “second liver” (toxin reservoir and neutralizer) and Detoxification.

4 It's likely that Dr Budwig is referring here to the cold water applications as practised and taught by famous naturopath Father Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897). With his "simple" water treatments, Kneipp among many other healing successes managed to bring back a person practically left for dead after a stroke. His books can be downloaded for free from https://archive.org/details/texts .

5 Compare Dr. Budwig’s Treatment Advice for Very Ill Cancer Patients: simple measures to assist the very weak and/or unable to eat.

6 Personally I know a naturopath who uses a tool called biotensor to determine the correct homeopathic remedy with excellent (but not cancer-related) healing results.

7 See Occupational exposure to pesticides and risk of adult brain tumors.

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For the most comprehensive and authoritative English-language coverage worldwide of the oil-protein diet & protocol developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, see


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