l Burzynski alternative cancer treatment with urine compounds

Nature heals

Antineoplastons cancer treatment

based on peptides and amino acid derivatives isolated from urine

Copyright © 2014 Healing Cancer Naturally

Dr Stanislaw Burzynski is the discoverer of a frequently effective alternative cancer treatment based on specific compounds derived from normal human urine. The same peptides and amino acid derivatives are actually found in all human body fluids such as blood as well as in the tissues but for clinical purposes, they are derived from urine because that's where they are most easily and economically sourced (they are also synthetically produced).

While other researchers have found cancer-fighting substances in human urine before Burzynski (compare Urine therapy, HUD treatment as a cancer cure, Urea treatment as a cancer cure, More cancer successes with various urine compounds and derivatives), Burzynski insists that the several peptide fractions with high anticancer activity and low toxicity he isolated from urine are completely different from those.

After noting their remarkable ability to inhibit every type of human neoplasm (malignant tumors) tested (cervical, colon, breast & uterine cancer, lymphoma, osteosarcoma, myeloblastic leukemia, fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma), Dr. Burzynski called these anti-cancer agents "antineoplastons" to designate their cancer-fighting ability, with the first one discovered named Antineoplaston A10, and two synthetic derivatives of the same named Antineoplaston AS2-1 and AS2-5.

Dr. Burzynski submitted his formulations for Phase I and II clinical trials with advanced cancer patients, a number of which showed objective response without significant side effects (see below "Antineoplaston studies: cancer success reports").

Antineoplastons are said to work as molecular switches, which via DNA demethylation and histone acetylation turn dormant tumor suppressor genes (p53 and p21) back on. Additionally, antineoplastons inhibit cellular uptake of amino acids critical to tumor growth.

Antineoplaston treatment is expensive — perhaps necessarily so considering that Dr Burzynski was mercilessly and repeatedly dragged before the courts for daring to offer an alternative to the official cut-burn-poison route.*

Nevertheless due to its high price it is included on this site solely to furnish another powerful illustration of urine's therapeutic qualities that have made it a unique and amazing healing agent (see the dedicated section "Urine, urine compounds and derivatives" under Treatment: Nature Heals).

* compare Free cancer cure videos: Burzynski: Cancer is Serious Business.

Antineoplaston studies: cancer success reports

All of the studies featured in the following are listed at the biomedical database PubMed which only includes scientifically validated peer-reviewed research.

"The present state of antineoplaston research (1)"

Published in Integrative Cancer Therapies (2004), the author reports efficacy of antineoplaston treatment in low- and high-grade glioma, brain stem glioma, adenocarcinoma of the colon (incl. with liver metastases), and hepatocellular carcinoma as established via Phase II trials.

"Long-term Survival (>13 Years) in a Child With Recurrent Diffuse Pontine Gliosarcoma: A Case Report."

Recently (October 23, 2013) printed in the Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology this paper presents the case of 9-year-old boy suffering from a highly aggressive recurrent Gliosarcoma (a variant of glioblastoma multiforme).

After undergoing various conventional treatments including three subtotal tumor resections, radiation therapy, two Gamma Knife procedures, chemotherapy (carboplatin and vincristine), high-dose cyclophosphamide, and others, he finally developed "disseminated disease with multiple lesions and a tumor occupying 80% of the pons", with his illness rapidly worsening.

For the following nearly seven years, he was treated with antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1. As determined via MRI and PET scans, his tumor first stabilized, then reduced in size and finally showed no further metabolic activity.

After cessation of the antineoplaston treatment he continued to improve and at the time of reporting only complained of residual neurological deficit from his previous surgery, bringing his overall survival to more than 13 years.

The above-described recovery is all the more remarkable considering the multiple highly toxic treatments the boy had undergone prior to antineoplaston treatment.

"Long-term survival and complete response of a patient with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme"

This study published in Integrative Cancer Therapies in 2004 reports an amazing success with a 40-year-old patient suffering from a diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioblastoma multiforme tumor (for which the average survival time is under seven months).

Diagnosed in May 1999, the patient underwent subtotal resection and radiotherapy for his brain tumor. With MRI and PET scans showing his tumor had recurred, he was started on intravenous antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 treatment which with some rare interruptions was administered over 655 consecutive days.

As documented by MRI and PET scans, his tumor decreased in size and eventually disappeared after approximately a year. Even four+ years later and no longer on antineoplastons, the patient remained tumor-free and worked full-time at the time of reporting.

"Phase II study of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 in patients with recurrent diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma: a preliminary report."

To assess the antineoplastic activity of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 in patients with recurrent diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma, 12 patients received increasing doses of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 for an average of six months.

Ten patients could be evaluated, two of which (20%) showed complete response, three (30%) a partial response, another three (30%) showed stabilisation of their disease, and two (20%) disease progression. Survival at 2 years was 33.3%.

At the time of reporting, two (17%) of the 12 patients had survived and had been tumor-free for over five years since their initial diagnosis; one was alive for over 5 years, and another for over 4 years since starting the antineoplaston treatment. (published in Drugs in R & D, 2003)

"Phase II study of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 in children with recurrent and progressive multicentric glioma : a preliminary report."

To assess the response rates, survival times and toxicity of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 treatment, twelve children diagnosed with incurable recurrent and progressive multicentric glioma received antineoplastons by intravenous injection for an average of 16 months, and later by oral administration for an average of 19 months.

As documented by MRI (and in some cases.confirmed by PET scans) complete response was seen in 33%, partial response in 25%, and stabilisation of the disease in 33% of the children. None showed a worsening of their illness.

One of the test persons could not be evaluated since he received only 4 weeks of treatment and no follow-up scans. Another patient whose illness had stabilised, against medical advice discontinued the treatment. This patient died 4.5 years later.

Ten of the patients however are alive and well, having so far survived between 2 and more than 14 years after their initial diagnosis. The study authors add that they "believe that confirmation of these results through further studies may introduce a new promising treatment for incurable paediatric brain tumours." (published in Drugs in R & D, 2004)

"Effects of antineoplaston AS2-1 against post-operative lung metastasis in orthotopically implanted colon cancer in nude rat."[1]

In this study (published in Oncology Reports, 2005), Japanese investigators found
a) that antineoplaston AS2-1 inhibited human colon carcinoma cell proliferation through induction of apoptosis,
b) effected significant reduction in post-operative lung metastasis (antimetastatic effect) and
c) led to a significantly increased survival rate as compared to the control group.

"Treatments for astrocytic tumors in children: current and emerging strategies."

Published in Paediatric Drugs (2006), this study analyses treatments and success rates in childhood brain tumors noting that radiotherapy and chemotherapy lead to serious toxicities in the long term.

"Antineoplaston induces G(1) arrest by PKCalpha and MAPK pathway in SKBR-3 breast cancer cells"

Japanese researchers investigated the mechanism underlying the antitumor effect of Antineoplastons using a breast cancer cell line and concluded that "the antineoplaston A10 antitumor effect could be utilized as an effective therapy for breast cancer patients." (in Oncology Reports, 2005)

"Long-term survival of high-risk pediatric patients with primitive neuroectodermal tumors treated with antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1."

Thirteen children aged 1 to 11 diagnosed with either medulloblastoma, pineoblastoma or other forms of primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) were administered intravenous infusions of A10 and AS2-1 for an average of twenty months. Twelve of these children had received surgery, six chemotherapy and six radiotherapy, with six having received neither chemotherapy nor radiation.

The treatment effected a complete response in 23%, a partial response in 8%, and stabilisation of the disease in 31%. Further disease progression was seen in 38% of the patients.

Significantly, six patients (46%) had survived over 5 years since starting on the antineoplaston treatment, 5 of which had never received radiotherapy or chemotherapy. (published in Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2005)

"Targeted therapy with antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 of high-grade, recurrent, and progressive brainstem glioma."

Brainstem glioma has the lowest chance of survival among brain malignancies, with most patients not surviving beyond two years. For this study, antineoplastons A10 (A10I) and AS2-1 were administered in increasing doses by IV for an average of five months.

As documented by MRI and PET scans, the total survival rate after 2 and 5 years was 39% and 22%, respectively. One anaplastic astrocytoma patient survived over 17 years[2], another with glioblastoma more than 5 years. (published in Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2006)

"Long-term survival following treatment with antineoplastons for colon cancer with unresectable multiple liver metastases: report of a case."

In this study, published in Surgery Today (2003), Japanese researchers report a case of survival for nearly 8 years after treatment of inoperable multiple liver metastases from colon cancer, using microwave ablation and the nontoxic antitumor agent antineoplastons.

A 72-year-old man diagnosed with colon cancer and 14 liver metastases underwent a right hemicolectomy combined with microwave ablation of six metastatic liver tumors. Additonally, to inhibit metastatic tumor growth and recurrence, he was given Antineoplaston A10 intravenously, followed by oral antineoplaston AS2-1.

CT scans done 1 and 4 years after the initial diagnosis revealed recurrent tumors for which the patient underwent two more microwave ablations. Currently cancer-free, he has survived for nearly 8 years without serious adverse effects, demonstrating the potential effectiveness of antineoplastons for controlling liver metastases after colon cancer.

Use of the best case series to evaluate complementary and alternative therapies for cancer: a systematic review.

The so-called best case series (BCS) is used to assess the quality of nonconventional cancer treatments. In this study published in Seminars in Oncology (2002), of 16 unique alternative cancer treatments, four were found sufficiently convincing to warrant further clinical trials (antineoplastons, hydrazine sulfate, laetrile, and Kelley-Gonzalez). (Seminars in Oncology, 2002)

"Inhibitory effect of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 on human hepatocellular carcinoma"

This paper (from The Kurume Medical Journal, 1996) describes the antitumor (cytostatic) effect of Antineoplaston A10 and Antineoplaston AS2-1 in tissue culture (in vitro) and on human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in vivo.

HCC is a tumor which frequently recurs. The compounds inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis, and the tumor of a HCC patient who took Antineoplaston AS2-1 on a continuous basis was found to remain stable for over fifteen months.

Free full text available at www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kurumemedj1954/43/2/43_2_137/_article .

"Toxicological study on antineoplastons A-10 and AS2-1 in cancer patients"

42 terminal cancer patients were administered the Antineoplastons A-10 and AS2-1 for a maximum of 1070 days in conjunction with conventional chemotherapy or radiation.

When used in tandem with conventional treatment, the major side effects included weakness, myelosuppression, and liver dysfunction. These side effects were not observed under exclusive Antineoplaston treatment (which only caused minor side effects).

The researchers concluded that "Antineoplaston A-10 and AS2-1 are less toxic than conventional chemotherapeutics and they were useful in maintenance therapy for cancer patients."

Published in Kurume Medical Journal (1995), this study can be read in full at www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kurumemedj1954/42/4/42_4_241/_article .

"Chemo-surveillance: a novel concept of the natural defence mechanism against cancer"

This study (in Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1987) concludes that "These results suggest that the body, under normal circumstances, is protected by antineoplastons against cancer."

"Quantitative assay of plasma and urinary peptides as an aid for the evaluation of cancer patients undergoing antineoplaston therapy"

"The results of this study are consistent with the interpretation that a deficiency of antineoplastons may be required for malignant cells to proliferate, and the consequent malignant growth further aggravates this deficiency. Antineoplaston therapy can halt such a 'vicious cycle' and induce long-term remission in some cancer patients." (appeared in Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1987)

"Potential utility of antineoplaston A-10 levels in breast cancer"

This study found that levels of Antineoplaston A-10 were significantly lower in 31 women with breast cancer than in 17 healthy subjects, suggesting an inverse relationship of urinary antineoplaston A-10 levels with breast cancer.

The study, published in Cancer Letters in 2000, discusses the potential benefits of using antineoplaston A-10 levels in predictive tests for assessing breast cancer risk.

"A novel strategy for remission induction and maintenance in cancer therapy"

Japanese researchers describe (in Oncology Reports, 2002) how advanced cancer responded well to combination treatment using chemotherapy and irradiation together with antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 in clinical trials conducted at Kurume University Hospital. They comment that

"Antineoplastons are naturally occurring peptides and amino acid derivatives that control neoplastic growth. Antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 are chemically identified and synthesized antineoplastons proven to inhibit cancer cell growth by arresting the cell cycle in the G1 phase and inhibiting tumor growth by reducing mitosis. These agents are thought to be good candidates for clinically easily applicable non-toxic p53 gene activators."

Terminal lung cancer with brain metastases cured with antineoplastons

In an interview with health author Gary Null, Dr. Burzynski recounted the case of a 63-year old man who had undergone chemotherapy and cobalt treatment which reduced a part of his brain tumor. When he developed another metastasis in his brain, his doctors gave up on him.

The patient however did not give up and started on intravenous antineoplaston treatment instead. Within two weeks he was rewarded with a substantial decrease in the tumor on his left lung and within six weeks by its complete disappearance. His two brain metastases also disappeared in six weeks.

The only side effects he experienced were chills and fever (likely due to dying-off cancer cells releasing toxic products into the bloodstream).

National Cancer Institute: clinical trial altered the Burzynski protocol so it would fail

Li-Chuan Chen, PhD, who worked as a scientist for the National Cancer Institute from 1991–1997 reported that the NCI published scientifically invalid Antineoplastons trials in the peer-reviewed Mayo Clinic Proceedings in February 1999. They had administered strongly diluted Antineoplaston concentrations to patients subsequently declared as unresponsive to the therapy. See his full statement on the deception perpetrated by the NCI.


Please note that truly spectacular brain tumor disappearances in children have also been reported after simple treatment with medical marijuana, see the page Testimonials of brain cancer healed under "Addenda by Healing Cancer Naturally".

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 Healing Cancer Naturally does not support animal experimentation, see Cancer Research, Toxicity Testing & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?.

2 The healing of numerous types of brain cancer is attributed to flaxoil & cottage cheese and/or the full Johanna Budwig protocol. The page On the anti-cancer effects of a low-calorie and/or ketogenic diet (new research into cancer as a metabolic disease) includes a successfully treated case of astrocytoma in a child.

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